Перевод для "if you would" на испанский
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If you would present it to her.
Si pudieras presentárselo a ella.
‘If one could but look, that is where you would see it.’
Si se pudiera ver, ahí es donde la encontrarías.
If nothing could be done about it, then you would be justified in accepting it.
Si no pudiera hacerse nada al respecto, entonces resultaría justificado que lo aceptases.
“If she could choose how you would react, Montieth, I don’t think she would choose this.”
Si ella pudiera elegir tu reacción, Montieth, estoy seguro de que no elegiría esta.
If you could see my internal organs you would have some surprises too.
Si usted pudiera ver mis órganos internos, recibiría algunas sorpresas también.
But just so you know. Estelle is coming. And it would be nice if you would, too.
Para que lo sepas, por cierto: Estelle vendrá a la boda. Y sería estupendo si tú pudieras venir también.
To this day, if you could get up there and live, you would see it all covered with the bones of ancient creatures;
Si tu pudieras subir a ella y vivir, la verías cubierta por los huesos de antiguos seres;
If you could not defeat a single man with a very long knife, you would be a poor excuse for a Rider indeed.
Si no pudieras derrotar a un solo hombre con un cuchillo muy largo, serías un Jinete un poco penoso…
You give me instructions, but you know very well that you would feel much better if I could tell you what to do instead.
Me das instrucciones, pero tú mismo te sentirías mejor si yo pudiera dártelas a ti.
However, if you would like to set up a stool in between Salad Artistry and...
No lo voy a hacer. Pero, si tu quisieras puedes poner un taburete entre "El arte de las ensaladas"
So if you would maybe pay her some attention.
Así que, si tu quisieras quizás prestarle algo de atención.
Well, I... can you just... 'cause it would really help if you would just...
Bien, yo... Porque realmente podría ayudar si tu quisieras...
“If you did, you would protect us!”
—¡Si me quisieras nos protegerías!
‘Rebecca, if you would only –’
«Rebecca, si solamente quisieras…».
If only you would be my friend...
Si usted quisiera ser amigo mió…
If you would merely be rich, rich you should be on the instant.
Si sólo quisieras ser rica, lo serías en el instante.
"If you loved me as well as I love you, you would have stayed," cried she.
Si me quisieras como te quiero yo, te quedarías —gritó ella.
If you would like more information on any of the UNDP activities relating to indigenous peoples, please contact either the UNDP country office in your country or the CSO Team in the Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships (BRSP) at UNDP headquarters in New York at:
Si desea más información sobre cualquiera de las actividades del PNUD relativas a las poblaciones indígenas, sírvase ponerse en contacto con la oficina del PNUD en su país o con el equipo OSC de la Dirección de Recursos y Colaboración Estratégica en la Sede del PNUD en Nueva York:
Please state whether you would like your identity to be kept confidential and for which reasons.
Sírvase indicar si desea que no se dé a conocer su identidad y por qué razón
If you would come,’ he said;
Si desea venir —respondió Benjamin;
If you would like to leave a message, wait for the tone.
Si desea dejar un mensaje, espere la señal».
"If you would be a slave," I said, "be a slave."
Si deseas ser una esclava —dije—, sé una esclava.
If you would care to see more of it, I am available to conduct you on a tour.
Si desea ver más de ella, yo estoy disponible para guiarla.
There is an available car just over this ridge, if you would follow me.
Hay un vehículo disponible por allá, si desea seguirme.
If you would like to test this in combat, I would be happy to oblige you.
Si deseas que lo probemos en combate, será un placer mostrártelo.
“However, if you would like to take the chance, you may.”
No obstante, si deseas correr el riesgo, haz lo que quieras.
I believe Inspector Japp is here now if you would like to see him.
Si desea ver al inspector Japp, allí está.
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