Перевод для "i sought him" на испанский
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I sought Him in churches and did not find Him.
Lo busqué en las iglesias, y no lo encontré.
I sought Him in the wilderness then, and found Him there.
Lo busqué luego en el yermo, y lo encontré allí.
I sought him out, we didn’t just meet. Not exactly.
Yo lo busqué, no nos encontramos. No exactamente.
'Last night I sought him out in the Runes of M'haw.'
—Anoche lo busqué en las Runas de M’haw.
I could feel his presence, and I sought him out.
Podía sentir su presencia, y lo busqué.
It had been news to me that Audee Walthers III was on the Rock, and I sought him out.
Había sabido que Audee Walthers III estaba en la Roca, de modo que lo busqué.
I sought him out, offered him good pay, and we disappeared into the bush as we had previously done.
lo busqué, le ofrecí una buena paga, y nos internamos en la selva, como en otro tiempo.
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