Перевод для "how difficult" на испанский
Примеры перевода
How difficult men are, aren't they?
Que dificiles son los hombres,verdad
How difficult it is to be happy.
Que díficil es ser feliz.
I can realize how difficult it would be for a beautiful woman like you to sleep on the roads.
Puedo darme cuenta que difícil será para una mujer hermosa como tú.
Denny, if you were in that courtroom, you saw how difficult it was for me to think of you dying.
Denny, si estuviste en la Corte... viste que difícil me resulta pensar en tu muerte.
You know how difficult this is for me.
Tu sabes que difícil es esto para mi.
We know too well How difficult the journey from darkness to light has been.
Sabemos muy bien que dificil ha sido nuestro viaje de la oscuridad a la luz.
I know how difficult it is for you to talk about the camp.
que dificil es hablar sobre el campo.
You have no idea how difficult and painful it was for me to come out to my family.
No sabes que difícil y doloroso fue para mí contárselo a mi familia.
I... I really get how difficult
Realmente entiendo lo difícil
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