Перевод для "high flown" на испанский
High flown
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This sounds high-flown, overinflated.
Esto suena altisonante, exagerado.
It isn’t that she’d become accustomed to this type of high-flown celebration.
No es que la haya acostumbrado a ese tipo de celebraciones altisonantes.
Nothing but Geoffrey's high-flown phrases of assurance and commendation.
Únicamente las frases altisonantes del joven Geoffrey recomendando y alabando a su amigo.
this was no high-flown Greek who could speak and write five languages.
Ese tío no era un griego altisonante que hablaba y escribía cinco idiomas.
It was written in high-flown sentences that he read with great feeling. “Yes, very much,” I said.
Estaba escrito con frases altisonantes que leía conmovido. —Sí, muchísimo —contesté.
He smiled apologetically at having been compelled to use such a high-flown phrase.
Sonrió como pidiendo indulgencia por haberse visto obligado a emplear una frase tan altisonante.
The English language has a very useful word, “cant,” meaning humbug, high-flown lying, rhetoric.
En la lengua inglesa existe la útilísima palabra cant, que significa «patraña, falacia altisonante, retórica».
During the day I composed high-flown circumlocutions, but at night, when it came to writing them down, I balked at their silliness.
Durante el día componía altisonantes circunloquios, pero por la noche, llegado el momento de escribirlos, me paralizaba su estupidez.
He wrote down the fantasies in the grating high-flown rhetorical style that the archetypes, as he was to call them, seem to favor.
Describió esas fantasías con el estilo irritantemente retórico y altisonante que los arquetipos, como los llamaría después, parecen favorecer.
Besides, I’m a country cabbage compared to your high-flown friends like Kurt von Koenig and those other sharp fellows at university.”
Además, yo soy un repollo comparado con tus amigos altisonantes, como Kurt von Koenig y tus perspicaces compañeros de la universidad.
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