Перевод для "held prisoner" на испанский
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Among the 605 Kuwaitis being held prisoner by Iraq were seven young women, and neither the Government of Kuwait nor the families of the prisoners in question had any knowledge of what had become of them.
La delegación de Kuwait desea señalar que siete jóvenes mujeres kuwaitíes figuran entre los 605 prisioneros kuwaitíes retenidos por el Iraq, y que Kuwait y las familias de dichos prisioneros ignoran todo acerca de su suerte.
Indeed we are held prisoner!
¡Desde luego que algo nos tiene prisioneros!
An American agent held prisoner.
Un agente norteamericano prisionero.
And it is held prisoner, I take it.
Y creo que lo retienen prisionero.
I'm kind of being held prisoner.
Soy una especie de prisionera.
She was alive and being held prisoner.
Seguía viva, la tenían prisionera.
“We are being held prisoner,” she whispered.
—Estamos prisioneras —susurró—.
We were held prisoner underground.
Nos mantuvieron prisioneros bajo tierra.
Was it possible? Or was she being held prisoner?
¿Sería posible? ¿O acaso la mantenían prisionera?
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