Перевод для "have forced" на испанский
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I have forced silphium on many slaves, to rid the House of Batiatus of unwanted burden.
He forzado a tomar silphium a muchas esclavas, para librar a la casa de Batiatus de cargas indeseadas.
Because I have forced you to think about.. ..your team before you think about yourself.
Porque os he forzado a pensar... en vuestro equipo antes que en vosotras mismas.
For ten years I have forced myself never to utter a word or show my face to anybody expect my reader.
por diez años me he forzado a no decir una palabra o mostrar mi rostro, salvo a mi lectora.
I have forced his hand!
Yo le he forzado la mano.
Harkonnen patrols have forced us south, deeper and deeper.
Las patrullas Harkonnen nos han obligado a ir hacia el sur.
Then we have forced our enemy to show his hand.
Luego nos han obligado a nuestro enemigo para mostrar su mano.
Look, Dude... have forced me to be.
Mira, Dude... me han obligado a ser así.
And you have forced... give me one.
Y a ti te han obligado... pásame una.
Your antics at the asylum have forced my hand.
Tus malabarismos en el manicomio me han obligado a actuar.
These orders have forced us to declare independence.
Estas órdenes nos han obligado a declarar la independencia.
The Patriots have forced the Panthers out of their zone.
Los Patriotas han obligado a las Panteras fuera de su zona.
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