Перевод для "hands or feet" на испанский
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Some victims reported having had their hands and feet tied while being beaten with different objects.
Algunas víctimas han denunciado que están atados de manos y pies mientras se les golpea con diferentes objetos.
He had never heard of any case in which an accused had been sentenced to amputation of his or her hands or feet.
El orador no ha oído hablar nunca de un caso en que el acusado haya sido condenado a la amputación de manos o pies.
During that time, she was put in four—point restraints: her hands and feet were shackled to the bed.
A lo largo de ese período, estuvo inmovilizada por cuatro puntos: le encadenaron las manos y pies a la cama.
During her interrogation, she was allegedly subjected to electric shocks through her hands and feet, beatings, and hosing with pressurized cold water.
Durante el interrogatorio le habrían aplicado descargas eléctricas en manos y pies, la habrían golpeado y le habrían rociado con chorros de agua fría a presión.
According to information received by the Committee, the family also noted that the body bore signs of a head wound and bruises on the hands and feet (art. 12).
De acuerdo con las informaciones de que dispone el Comité, la familia también observó que el cadáver presentaba una herida en la cabeza y hematomas en manos y pies (art. 12).
His hands and feet were reportedly tied up, and he was beaten and suspended by the wrists for six hours until one of his arms broke.
Supuestamente lo ataron de manos y pies y luego lo golpearon y dejaron suspendido de las muñecas durante seis horas hasta que se le rompió un brazo.
The main method they use is to strip detainees naked and handcuff their hands and feet.
El principal método empleado es desnudar a los detenidos y esposarles manos y pies.
Their hands and feet were chained to a specially designed harness, and they were blindfolded and hooded as they were brought to the plane.
Les encadenaron de manos y pies a un arnés especialmente diseñado, les vendaron los ojos y les pusieron capuchas antes de subirlos al avión.
He has no hands or feet?
¿No tiene manos o pies?
He often has difficulty awaiting his turn is often quote-unquote on the go, or acts as if driven by a motor often interrupts or intrudes on others and often fidgets with hands or feet.
Le cuesta esperar su turno. Suele estar "en marcha", o actúa acelerado. Suele interrumpir a los demás y juguetear con manos o pies.
If she won't talk, she should write it down, or at least gesture with her hands or feet!
Si ella no va a hablar, ella lo escribirá, ¡O al menos hará gestos con sus manos o pies!
That I can't feel my hands or feet?
¿Que no puedo sentir mis manos o pies?
Say anything about his hands or feet feeling weak?
¿Dijo que sentía debilidad en sus manos o pies?
Direct injury to hands or feet is a foul and leads to disqualification.
Si se hace daño directo en manos o pies será penalizado y significara la descalificación.
See the hands and feet?
¿Veis sus manos y pies?
Tight at the hands and feet?
¿Te ataron de manos y pies?
You have eyes, hands, and feet.
Tienes ojos, manos y pies.
Cold hands, cold feet.
Manos frías, pies fríos.
No fingers, no hands and feet, no lips.
No tienen dedos, ni manos, ni pies, ni labios.
Including in the hair, on the hands, the feet.
Incluidos cabello, manos y pies.
Ghosts of hands and feet and faces.
Fantasmas de manos y pies y caras.
Or the hands and feet that ended in claws.
O las manos y pies terminados en garras.
There’s severe lividity in his hands and feet.
Sus manos y pies están muy lívidos.
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