Перевод для "give him" на испанский
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I could not give him their childhood, but I could give him this.
No podía darle una niñez como la de ellos, pero podía darle eso.
And to give him a gift.
Y para darle un presente.
Give him MacArthur?
¿Darle la MacArthur?
To give him a treat?
¿Para darle un gusto?
And give him the exclusive?
—¿Y darle la exclusiva a él?
But we have nothing to give him.
pero no tenemos nada para darle.
I had to give him something.
Tenía que darle algo.
But he will have to give him something.
Pero tendrá que darle algo.
I have to give him something.
Tengo que darle algo.
Give him that one.
Bueno. Dale ese, dale no más.
Rachel, give him your earrings.
Dale dinero. Dale tus pendientes.
.Give him time, give him time! he would say.
«¡Dale tiempo, dale tiempo!», decía.
Give him that and .
Dale sólo esto y...
Go in and give him these.
– Entra y dale esto.
Give him a chance.
Dale una oportunidad.
And give him this number.
Y dale este número».
Give him the sedative.
Dale a él el sedante.
“And give him what’s left in this.”
Y dale lo que quede en este. —¿Todo?
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