Перевод для "get him there" на испанский
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I can get him down there easy enough.
No me resultará difícil llevarlo allí.
We have to get him there quickly or he’s dead!’
Tenemos que llevarlo allí a toda prisa o morirá.
The Doctor told me to keep him aboard, and we must get him back.
El doctor me dijo que lo mantuviera a bordo, y tenemos que llevarlo allí de regreso.
He lived at the far end of the rue d’Aubette, and it was quite a task to get him there.
Vivía en la parte baja de la calle Aubette y se las vieron y se las desearon para llevarlo allí.
He would have to get him there, even if he had to hit him over the head with a rock and carry him on his back up to it.
Tenía que llevarlo allí, aunque tuviese que darle en la cabeza con una piedra y llevarlo a rastras.
It only remains to get him there.” And the brute simply gave me a sturdy look and shook my hand as though that were the thing settled.
Lo único que tenemos que hacer es llevarle allí —y el muy bruto me dirigió una mirada inasequible y me estrechó la mano como si todo hubiese quedado ya decidido.
To get him there, in the chair, they’d had to go along a hallway, to the rear of the building, and take a service elevator that Hollis had never seen before.
Para llevarlo allí, en la silla, tuvieron que recorrer un pasillo hasta el fondo del edificio y tomar un ascensor de servicio que Hollis no había visto nunca antes.
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