Перевод для "few yards away from" на испанский
Примеры перевода
I'm standing here just a few yards away from what appears to yards away from what appears to be the final resting place for be the final resting place for at least six young girls.
Estoy a pocos metros de distancia de lo que parece ser... el lugar de descanso final... de al menos seis jovencitas.
There, only a few yards away from him, stood the Witch.
Allí, sólo a pocos metros de distancia, estaba la Bruja.
Only a few yards away from that fight, Edward and Victoria were dancing.
A pocos metros de esta pelea, Victoria y Edward fintaban.
In the wild, elephants are always only a few yards away from another elephant.
En el medio silvestre, los elefantes están siempre a pocos metros de otro elefante.
Franco stopped a few yards away from him and blew into his cupped hands.
Flanco se detuvo a pocos metros de él y se sopló las manos.
He and Draka halted a few yards away from the tent, assuming it was part of the demonstration.
Draka y él se detuvieron a pocos metros de la tienda, entendiendo que formaría parte de la demostración.
The Partition of Poland—1939 Mavranos paused when he was a few yards away from his parked truck.
La división de Polonia, 1939 Mavranos se detuvo cuando estaba a pocos metros de su camioneta.
The creature backed water with its single long paddle so that the skiff stopped a few yards away from them.
El ser maniobró con su único remo largo hasta detener el esquife a pocos metros de ellos.
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