Перевод для "eliminating them" на испанский
Eliminating them
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The Assassins had pressed their advantage, ruthlessly hunting their enemies down and eliminating them one by one.
Los Asesinos aprovecharon su ventaja, persiguiendo despiadadamente a sus enemigos y eliminándolos uno por uno.
But if he killed them without knowing why he was killing them, without understanding what role they played in Stefan's schemes, he might later discover that eliminating them was a mistake.
Pero si los mataba sin saber por qué estaba eliminándolos sin entender qué papel representaban en los planes de Stefan y más tarde podría descubrir que el haberlos asesinado había sido un error.
A regime which relied on the iron fist to stay in power was asking for trouble if it relaxed its grip by even a millimeter, and the Legislaturalist leadership had made the mistake of clamping down hard enough to enrage its enemies, but not hard enough to eliminate them outright or terrify them into impotence.
Los líderes legislaturalistas habían cometido el error de mostrarse lo suficientemente implacables con sus enemigos como para despertar su ira, pero no lo suficientemente duros como para acabar eliminándolos o aterrorizándolos hasta tal punto que les pudiese la impotencia.
As he was testing hypothesis number one by experimental method a flood of other hypotheses would come to mind, and as he was testing these, some more came to mind, and as he was testing these, still more came to mind until it became painfully evident that as he continued testing hypotheses and eliminating them or confirming them their number did not decrease.
Mientras estaba comprobando la hipótesis número uno mediante un método experimental, una avalancha de nuevas hipótesis llenaba su mente, y mientras las comprobaba, le venían otras tantas a la mente hasta que se le hizo tristemente evidente que a medida que continuaba comprobando hipótesis, y eliminándolas o confirmándolas, su número no disminuía.
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