Перевод для "educate yourself" на испанский
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Educate yourself, spend your time wisely, always be prepared to do battle with life: that had been her code since she was a child.
Educate yourself, spend your time wisely, always be prepared to do battle with life: that had been her code since she was a child.
If today you are a gardener or a janitor or even unemployed, you have the ability to educate yourself and teach those you love to take care of themselves financially.
If today you are a gardener or a janitor or even unemployed, you have the ability to educate yourself and teach those you love to take care of themselves financially.
Randy said, now feeling just a bit surly for the first time, "but I have found that if you work hard, educate yourself and keep your wits about you, you can find your way in this society."
Randy said, now feeling just a bit surly for the first time, “but I have found that if you work hard, educate yourself and keep your wits about you, you can find your way in this society.”
Well, when this is over, I'll see that you get a collection of her papers and you may educate yourself.
–Bien, cuando terminemos con esto, me ocuparé de que reciba una colección de sus publicaciones, así podrá educarse.
In Philo, educating yourself was something you had to do in spite of school, not because of it—which is basically why so many of my high school peers are still there in Philo even now, selling one another insurance, drinking supermarket liquor, watching television, awaiting the formality of their first cardiac. Ms.
En Philo, uno tenía que educarse independientemente de la escuela, y no gracias a ella; lo cual explica por qué hay tantos de mis antiguos compañeros de instituto que todavía no se han movido de Philo y se dedican a venderse seguros los unos a los otros, a beber alcohol de supermercado, ver la tele y esperar el formalismo de su primer infarto.
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