Перевод для "educate her" на испанский
Educate her
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"We'll just have to educate her.
–Tendremos que educarla.
Rolando Rozas will have to educate her.
Rolando Rozas debe educarla.
How educate her to the ideal?) The plank was flung.
¿Cómo educarla en el ideal? Echaron la pasarela.
And she even started to educate her a little, you know ...
Y hasta empezó a educarla un poquito, ¿no?… A su manera.
Who are those señoras to educate her better than I?
¿Quiénes son acaso esas señoras para educarla mejor que yo?
Educate her, show her, get her slowly used to it so he didn’t hurt her;
Educarla, enseñarla, irla acostumbrando de poco a poco para no lastimarla;
He must give her the money if only to acquire the right to educate her.
Era necesario darle algo de dinero para tener por lo menos derecho a educarla.
We did our best to educate her as a patriot, but—the girl is a born provocateur.” Provocateur!
Hemos hecho todo lo que hemos podido para educarla como patriota, pero… esa chica es una provocadora nata. ¡Provocadora!
Was Coleman embarked on educating her, on influencing her—embarked on saving her from the tragedy of her strangeness?
¿Se había lanzado Coleman a educarla, a influir en ella, a salvarla de la tragedia de su peculiaridad?
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