Перевод для "eastern europe" на испанский
Eastern europe
Примеры перевода
He knew all about Eastern Europe.
Sabía todo sobre Europa Oriental.
Commission for Eastern Europe.
Comisión para Europa Oriental.
Travelling through Eastern Europe
Viajando a traves de Europa Oriental
James is interested in Eastern Europe.
James está interesado en Europa Oriental.
I have family in Eastern Europe.
Tengo familia en la Europa Oriental.
Cloud cover over Eastern Europe
Nube cubre Europa Oriental
You're not in Eastern Europe anymore.
Ya no estás en Europa oriental.
Eastern Europe, particularly.
Europa Oriental, particularmente.
Scholars from abroad. - Any from Eastern Europe?
- ¿Alguno de Europa Oriental?
Eastern Europe was a different matter.
Europa oriental era muy distinta.
He went to the Eastern Europe desk;
Pasó al departamento de Europa Oriental;
screamed a representative from Eastern Europe.
—gritó un representante de Europa Oriental—.
Before Stalin annexed Eastern Europe.
Antes de que Stalin se anexionara Europa Oriental.
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