Перевод для "double-weight" на испанский
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This double weight I've been carrying has tired me. No, I'd better turn in.
El doble peso me fatiga, me acostaré.
It's a Gustav Becker double weight vienna, around 1870.
es un Gustav Becker vienés con doble peso, de alrededor de 1870.
Their doubled weight gathered momentum terrifyingly.
El doble peso ganó impulso de forma aterradora.
Luke could have done it on his head. But that was twelve hours ago, twelve hours of double weight and throbbing metal and noise and no sleep.
Luke lo podría haber soportado sobre su cabeza, pero hacía doce horas, doce horas de doble peso, de ruidos de metal y sin dormir.
They’ve kidnapped him.” My head ached, possibly from the double weight, or perhaps from too many shocks. “Now you know,” Dak went on.
Le han secuestrado. La cabeza me dolía, quizá por el doble peso que ahora tenía, o posiblemente por la sucesión de sorpresas a las que me veía enfrentado. —Ahora ya lo sabe —continuó Dak—.
Ford started to leave, bracing himself heavily against double weight, then he added, "Oh-it might save time if you could tell me where to go."
Ford empezó a salir, braceando pesadamente contra el doble peso, luego añadió: –Oh… creo que ahorraremos tiempo si me dice adonde debo ir.
An hour later, gazing abstracted past the furry bare shoulder (with its touching sour-sweet smell like a baby's pate) of Joe Marino as he with more rigor than inspiration pumped away at her, while her bed groaned and swayed beneath the unaccustomed double weight, Alexandra had a vision.
Una hora más tarde, mirando abstraída por encima del peludo hombro desnudo (con su conmovedor olor a rancio, como la cabeza de un bebé) de Joe Marino, mientras éste le hacía el amor con más energía que inspiración y la cama crujía y oscilaba bajo el desacostumbrado doble peso, Alexandra tuvo una visión.
It was the first time Ferguson had witnessed his stepfather’s anger, which was a bellowing, apoplectic sort of anger, a wrath of such enormity and destructive force that he could only hope it would never be turned in his direction, but how satisfying it was to see it turned on Margaret that night, she who so fully deserved that brutal dressing-down from her father, and how glad he was to know that Schneiderman was willing to defend his new wife against the attacks of his own daughter, a great and magnificent artist, which augured well for the future of the marriage, he felt, and when Margaret inevitably collapsed into tears and a tearful Ella protested that he had no right to talk to her sister like that, Ferguson heard his mother pronounce a phrase, pronounce for the first time a phrase she would go on using whenever Schneiderman lost control of his temper in the months and years ahead, Easy does it, Gil, which somehow managed to carry the double weight of both a warning and a caress, and just after he heard his mother say those words for the first time, she stood up from her chair and went over to her husband, a man she had been married to for sixteen days, stood behind him as he went on sitting in his chair at the head of the table, put a hand on each of his shoulders, and then leaned over and kissed him on the back of the neck.
Era la primera vez que Ferguson veía enfadarse a su padrastro, que mostraba una cólera furibunda, que echaba humo, una ira de tal enormidad, de tan destructora fuerza que deseó que nunca se volviera contra él, pero fue muy satisfactorio ver cómo aquella noche se dirigía a Margaret, que tan plenamente se merecía el brutal rapapolvo de su padre, y qué contento se puso al saber que Schneiderman estaba dispuesto a defender a su madre de los ataques de su propia hija, una gran artista, magnífica, lo que era un buen augurio para el futuro del matrimonio, pensó, y cuando inevitablemente Margaret rompió a sollozar y una llorosa Ella protestaba diciendo que no tenía derecho a hablar así a su hermana, Ferguson oyó que su madre pronunciaba una frase, pronunciaba por primera vez una frase que siguió utilizando siempre que Schneiderman perdía los estribos a lo largo de los meses y años siguientes, Despacito, Gil, lo que en cierto modo lograba transmitir el doble peso de una advertencia y una caricia, y después de pronunciar aquellas palabras por primera vez, su madre se levantó de la silla y se acercó a su marido, un hombre con quien llevaba casada dieciséis días, se colocó a su espalda mientras él seguía sentado presidiendo la mesa, le puso las manos en los hombros, se inclinó y lo besó en la nuca.
Their doubled weight gathered momentum terrifyingly.
El doble peso ganó impulso de forma aterradora.
They’ve kidnapped him.” My head ached, possibly from the double weight, or perhaps from too many shocks. “Now you know,” Dak went on.
Le han secuestrado. La cabeza me dolía, quizá por el doble peso que ahora tenía, o posiblemente por la sucesión de sorpresas a las que me veía enfrentado. —Ahora ya lo sabe —continuó Dak—.
Ford started to leave, bracing himself heavily against double weight, then he added, "Oh-it might save time if you could tell me where to go."
Ford empezó a salir, braceando pesadamente contra el doble peso, luego añadió: –Oh… creo que ahorraremos tiempo si me dice adonde debo ir.
An hour later, gazing abstracted past the furry bare shoulder (with its touching sour-sweet smell like a baby's pate) of Joe Marino as he with more rigor than inspiration pumped away at her, while her bed groaned and swayed beneath the unaccustomed double weight, Alexandra had a vision.
Una hora más tarde, mirando abstraída por encima del peludo hombro desnudo (con su conmovedor olor a rancio, como la cabeza de un bebé) de Joe Marino, mientras éste le hacía el amor con más energía que inspiración y la cama crujía y oscilaba bajo el desacostumbrado doble peso, Alexandra tuvo una visión.
It was the first time Ferguson had witnessed his stepfather’s anger, which was a bellowing, apoplectic sort of anger, a wrath of such enormity and destructive force that he could only hope it would never be turned in his direction, but how satisfying it was to see it turned on Margaret that night, she who so fully deserved that brutal dressing-down from her father, and how glad he was to know that Schneiderman was willing to defend his new wife against the attacks of his own daughter, a great and magnificent artist, which augured well for the future of the marriage, he felt, and when Margaret inevitably collapsed into tears and a tearful Ella protested that he had no right to talk to her sister like that, Ferguson heard his mother pronounce a phrase, pronounce for the first time a phrase she would go on using whenever Schneiderman lost control of his temper in the months and years ahead, Easy does it, Gil, which somehow managed to carry the double weight of both a warning and a caress, and just after he heard his mother say those words for the first time, she stood up from her chair and went over to her husband, a man she had been married to for sixteen days, stood behind him as he went on sitting in his chair at the head of the table, put a hand on each of his shoulders, and then leaned over and kissed him on the back of the neck.
Era la primera vez que Ferguson veía enfadarse a su padrastro, que mostraba una cólera furibunda, que echaba humo, una ira de tal enormidad, de tan destructora fuerza que deseó que nunca se volviera contra él, pero fue muy satisfactorio ver cómo aquella noche se dirigía a Margaret, que tan plenamente se merecía el brutal rapapolvo de su padre, y qué contento se puso al saber que Schneiderman estaba dispuesto a defender a su madre de los ataques de su propia hija, una gran artista, magnífica, lo que era un buen augurio para el futuro del matrimonio, pensó, y cuando inevitablemente Margaret rompió a sollozar y una llorosa Ella protestaba diciendo que no tenía derecho a hablar así a su hermana, Ferguson oyó que su madre pronunciaba una frase, pronunciaba por primera vez una frase que siguió utilizando siempre que Schneiderman perdía los estribos a lo largo de los meses y años siguientes, Despacito, Gil, lo que en cierto modo lograba transmitir el doble peso de una advertencia y una caricia, y después de pronunciar aquellas palabras por primera vez, su madre se levantó de la silla y se acercó a su marido, un hombre con quien llevaba casada dieciséis días, se colocó a su espalda mientras él seguía sentado presidiendo la mesa, le puso las manos en los hombros, se inclinó y lo besó en la nuca.
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