Перевод для "debate was" на испанский
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(h) Sustained international policy debate through the quarterly Habitat Debate.
h) Debate político internacional continuo en el Debate sobre Hábitat.
It also held debates and open debates, including four at the ministerial level.
También celebró debates y debates públicos, cuatro de ellos a nivel ministerial.
That is an important debate and a debate that will continue.
Ese es un debate importante y un debate que continuará.
Closure of debate: See Debate
Cierre del debate: Véase Debate
(c) To adjourn the debate; (d) To close the debate.
c) Aplazamiento del debate; d) Cierre del debate.
Participants in the interactive debates and the general debate 107
VII. Participantes en los debates interactivos y el debate general 102
Of course it will start a debate—but what will that debate consist of?
Naturalmente suscitará un debate, ¿y en qué consistirá ese debate?
‘There’s some debate.
—Hay un poco de debate.
That is open to debate.
—Eso está abierto a debate.
The Magician's Debate
El debate de los magos
No arguments, no debate.
Sin discusiones, sin debate.
The debate will continue.
El debate continuará.
But was it really a debate?
Pero ¿era realmente un debate?
There was to be no discussion, no debate.
No habría discusiones ni debate.
The debate resumed.
Y continuó el debate.
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