Перевод для "cut us" на испанский
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‘Then why are these here?’ ‘To cut us off.
—Entonces, ¿por qué están esos ahí? —Para cortarnos la retirada.
It takes an angle to cut us off.
Avanza en diagonal para tratar de cortarnos el paso.
"They're trying to cut us off," Luke said.
—Intentan cortarnos la retirada —dijo Luke—.
A snowsquall just cut us off from the Ramirez.
Acaba de cortarnos del Ramírez una borrasca de nieve.
They were coming through the brushwood and threatening to cut us off.
Avanzaban a través de los matorrales amenazando con cortarnos el paso.
“Then they can’t coordinate to cut us off,” he said with satisfaction.
– Entonces les será imposible coordinar sus movimientos para cortarnos el paso -repuso él con satisfacción-.
Didn't your mother ever tell you the only way to kill us is to cut us into pieces?
—¿No te dijo tu mami que la única manera de matarnos es cortarnos a cachitos?
‘I say it should stay sheathed lest it cut us all,’ Gorm was saying.
—Opino que debería permanecer enfundado, no vaya a cortarnos a todos —estaba diciendo Gorm.
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