Перевод для "continued to" на испанский
Примеры перевода
The situation has continued to deteriorate.
La situación ha seguido deteriorándose.
Sporadic clashes continue.
Se han seguido produciendo enfrentamientos esporádicos.
We have continued to be the largest donor.
Hemos seguido siendo el principal donante.
Official development assistance had continued to decline, the debt burden had continued to increase and the countries of the South continued to face various obstacles that limited access for their exports to the markets of developed countries.
La AOD ha seguido disminuyendo, la carga de la deuda ha seguido aumentando y los países del Sur han seguido enfrentando diversos obstáculos que limitan el acceso de sus productos de exportación a los mercados de los países desarrollados.
Journalists have continued to be harassed.
922. Ha seguido el acoso a los periodistas.
This has generally continued to be the case.
En general, este ha seguido siendo el caso.
The matter continued to be pursued by the Agency.
El Organismo ha seguido ocupándose de este asunto.
This has continued to intensify.
Este ha seguido intensificándose.
Moreover, fighting between these parties continued.
Es más, esas partes han seguido combatiendo.
Continue with your work.
Seguid con vuestro trabajo.
But he immediately continues:
Pero se recobra en seguida:
No, it had continued upward.
No, ha seguido subiendo.
And the protests had continued.
Y las protestas habían seguido.
They had continued its stewardship.
Habían seguido mimándola.
She had continued to drink.
Había seguido bebiendo.
Continue on that road to the left.
Seguid por esa carretera de la izquierda.
Continue your extraction,”
Seguid con la extracción —dije—.
And I continued to work with him in the meantime.
Y he seguido trabajando con él.
The Guardians have continued to fight.
Los Guardianes han seguido luchando.
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