Перевод для "committed" на испанский
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We are committed to this.
Estamos comprometidos con ello.
Australia is committed.
Australia está comprometida.
We are committed to it.
Con él está comprometido nuestro pueblo.
Not intellectually committed.
No comprometido intelectualmente.
Active, committed, engaged.
Activa, Dedicada, Comprometida.
Staples, committed to the environment, committed to you.
"Staples, comprometido con el medio ambiente, comprometido contigo".
You were committed.
Te has comprometido.
No estamos comprometidos ?
Yes, I'm committed.
Sí, estoy comprometida.
We are committed. I believe we are rightly committed.
Estamos comprometidos con esto. Creo que comprometidos con toda la razón.
But he was committed.
Pero estaba comprometido.
I'm committed to it.
Estoy comprometido con él.
We’re committed on this.”
Estamos comprometidos en esto.
The greatest UNIFEM asset is its staff of committed and competent professionals.
Lo más valioso del UNIFEM son los profesionales entregados y competentes que constituyen su personal.
These child soldiers were committed to the cause of an independent East Timor.
Esos niños soldados estaban entregados a la causa de un Timor Oriental independiente.
Bangladesh is very committed to addressing issues of public health, including HIV/AIDS.
Bangladesh está sumamente entregado a abordar las cuestiones de salud pública, entre ellas el VIH/SIDA.
This property was given to them for the purpose of committing a criminal act
- Esos bienes les fueron entregados con el fin de cometer un acto delictivo;
13. The Chair remains fully committed to the objective of contributing to a successful outcome in Cancun.
13. El Presidente sigue plenamente entregado al objetivo de contribuir a un resultado positivo en Cancún.
It was a great honour to serve UNIDO, a task to which he was committed.
6. Considera un gran honor servir a la ONUDI, tarea a la que está entregado.
All three sides, however, appeared committed to military options, and the negotiations failed.
No obstante, las tres partes parecían entregadas a las opciones militares y las negociaciones fracasaron.
We are continuing to build on this and we are firmly committed to it.
Seguimos basándonos en estos principios y estamos decididamente entregados a ellos.
It is served by a team at headquarters that is considered in the field to be competent and committed to the task.
El Programa EMPRETEC está atendido en la sede por un equipo que está considerado en el terreno como un equipo competente y entregado a la tarea.
You're really committed to this.
Estás muy entregada a esto.
He's very committed.
Está muy entregado.
He's committed, moral, upstanding.
Que es entregado, moral, honrado.
Was I committed to you?
¿Me había entregado a ti?
You're so dedicated, so committed.
Eres tan dedicada, tan entregada.
I am committed to the Revolution.
Vivo entregado a la Revolución.
I've been nothing but committed.
. He estado siempre entregado.
He is obviously not committed.
Obviamente, no está entregado.
Wow! This guy was committed.
Guau, qué hombre más entregado.
I was very committed.
Estaba muy entregada.
Because they were committed.
Porque estaban entregados a la causa.
He’s a committed being.
Es un ser entregado.
A completely committed guy.
Un tío completamente entregado.
An audience of one, admittedly, but committed.
Un solo espectador, sí, pero entregado.
It seems you are committed.
—Parece que estás entregada a la causa —dijo.
He’s sincerely committed to doing good.
Está sinceramente entregado a obrar el bien.
Leto, though, was completely committed.
No obstante, Leto estaba entregado por completo a la causa.
He was less committed to life and more passive.
Estaba mucho menos entregado a la vida, más apático.
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