Перевод для "chocolate colored" на испанский
Chocolate colored
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It's got some, like, chocolate colors in it.
Tiene reflejos color chocolate.
Most appropriate, a chocolate-colored jacket.
Muy apropiado, una chaqueta de color chocolate...
We'll make the device a soothing chocolate color-- brilliant!
Haremos del dispositivo un calmante color chocolate... ¡Brillante!
She is a chocolate-colored human being, you racist fuck.
Es un ser humano color chocolate, racista de mierda.
I was not a dark chocolate color, was not vanilla.
Yo no era color chocolate oscuro, no era color vainilla.
I studied the palette and touched a sample of chocolate-colored velvet.
Estudié la paleta del muestrario y toqué una muestra de terciopelo color chocolate.
He meets us at his door in sandals and chocolate-colored polyester slacks.
Nos recibe en la puerta en sandalias y con unos pantalones de poliéster de color chocolate.
I opened the shopping bag and unearthed a briefcase made of chocolate-colored leather.
Abrí la bolsa y extraje un maletín de cuero color chocolate.
Behind the chocolate-colored window blinds, the day soon grew brighter and brighter.
Detrás de las persianas color chocolate, el día crecía rápidamente.
It was a dark-chocolate color, and in the half-light of the dome it shone with an eerie luminescence.
Era de color chocolate oscuro, y en la penumbra de la cúpula devolvía una luminiscencia fantasmal.
Annie was big and soft, a chocolate-colored woman with breasts like pillows.
Annie era grande y suave, una mujer color chocolate con senos como almohadas.
He was wearing a chocolate-colored stingybrim hat cocked back on his head.
Un sombrero de ala corta y color chocolate, ladeado, le cubría la cabeza.
He wore a crisp new chocolate-colored suit with matching coat and fedora.
Llevaba un traje de color chocolate nuevecito, con gabardina a juego y sombrero fedora.
She imagined away her clothes, leaving behind a chocolate-colored lace bra and thong set.
Imaginó que se quitaba la ropa y que se dejaba un sujetador y un tanga de color chocolate.
There’s the chocolate-colored leather jacket as well, and the gray hair pulled carelessly back.
Por no hablar de la chaqueta de cuero de color chocolate, y el pelo gris peinado hacia atrás con descuido.
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