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Specific work with children is carried out in 137 libraries, where children's literature corners are set up, and creative meetings with children's book writers, talks on new literature, and plays are regularly organized.
En 137 bibliotecas se llevan a cabo actividades para los niños, en las que se organizan rincones de literatura infantil y se celebran periódicamente encuentros culturales con escritores de libros para niños, charlas sobre la nueva literatura y espectáculos.
Lots of times the book writer is too protective.
Muchas veces el escritor del libro es demasiado protector.
‘A one-legged book-writer,’ Dollar scoffed, and Peking giggled and picked up his rifle.
—Un escritor de libros rojo —rió Dólar sarcásticamente. Pekín rió y tomó su fusil.
‘If I may be so bold as to say so, I have a fancy to become a book-writer myself when I’m of age.’
Si me permite la audacia, me gustaría convertirme en un escritor de libros, cuando tenga la edad suficiente. —¡Un escritor!
After only a couple of dates, she decided he was just what he said he was, a book writer trying to break into the movies.
Después de un par de citas, se dio cuenta de que Stan era justo lo que decía ser: un escritor de libros que trataba de meterse en el mundo del cine.
Book-writers are great and learned people.’ Like all barely literate Africans, he had an almost superstitious awe of the printed word, and reverence for the grey hairs of age.
Los escritores de libros son personas viejas y sabias. Al igual que todos los africanos semianalfabetos, Vigía sentía un temor reverencial, casi mágico, por la palabra impresa y veneraba las canas.
His lips moved as he read slowly through the text of the articles, and when he handed them back to Craig, he said, seriously, ‘Kuphela, despite your youth, you are indeed an important book-writer.’
Leyó las notas lentamente, moviendo los labios, y finalmente se las devolvió a Craig. —Kufela, a pesar de tu juventud eres un escritor de libros importante.
Of course, this book’s writers, like Carpenter himself, were estranged from the literary establishment in a way Richard Yates could never have conceived: by three thousand miles of incomprehension.
Por supuesto, estos escritores del libro, como el propio Carpenter, estaban distanciados del establishment literario de una forma que Richard Yates nunca podría haber concebido: por cinco mil kilómetros de incomprensión.
The three brothers in the subtitle were William, the founder of Columbia Conserve, and Norman and Hutchins, also Harvard men, who were both socialistically inclined journalists and editors and book writers in and around New York. According to Mr.
Los tres hermanos del subtítulo eran William, el fundador de Empresa Conservera Columbia, Norman y Hutchins, también hombres de Harvard, ambos periodistas y editores y escritores de libros de tendencia socialista en Nueva York y sus proximidades.
He had looked on the back and on the rear flap for the author's photograph, queerly certain that he would see a version of his own face looking back at him (the way he'd looked in 1975, when these events had taken place, most likely), but there had been no picture, just a note about the book's writer that told very little.
Miró la contraportada y la solapa para ver la fotografía del autor, como queriendo mirar una versión de su cara mirándolo (como luciría su cara en 1975 cuando esos eventos probablemente ocurrieron), pero no había foto, solo una pequeña nota que no decía mucho sobre el escritor del libro.
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