Перевод для "belly-ache" на испанский
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They pulled their gowns tightly about their shoulders, looked budge, and glowered, and Dr. Browne muttered that there were some Christmas Pyes that made his belly ache.
Se arroparon bien los hombros con sus togas, se pusieron tiesos, y el doctor Browne murmuró que ciertas tortas[2] de Navidad le daban dolor de tripas.
She stared at him, but before she could speak her butler had entered the room, staggering under a specimen of the ducal plate which her grace had categorically refused to relinquish to the present Duke, on the twofold score that it was her personal property, and that he shouldn’t have married anyone who gave his mother such a belly-ache as that die-away ninny he had set in her place.
Ella lo miró a los ojos, pero antes de que pudiera añadir nada, el mayordomo entró en la habitación tambaleándose bajo el peso de una bandeja ducal que su excelencia se había negado categóricamente a cederle a su hijo, el actual duque, alegando que era propiedad suya y que no debería haberse casado con aquella tontaina que provocaba a la duquesa dolor de tripas.
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