Перевод для "being looked" на испанский
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So I didn’t say anything, I stood in my underwear, looking at him and being looked at.
De modo que me quedé callada, de pie en ropa interior, mirándolo y siendo mirada.
A woman is meant to be looked at.
Una mujer tiene la intención de ser mirado.
Don't look at others, and don't be looked.
No mires a otros, Y no serás mirada.
Whatever's happening to you Needs to be looked at, fast.
lo que sea que te esté pasando necesita ser mirado, rápido.
I want to be looked into my soul.
Quiero ser mirada dentro de mi alma.
I wish so much to be looked straight into the eyes.
Me gustaría mucho ser mirada directamente a los ojos.
You just need to be looked at.
Tienes que ser mirado.
Suddenly you think women shouldn't be looked at?
De repente crees que las mujeres no debe ser mirado?
The way he looked at her is the way... all girls want to be looked at.
La forma en que la miraba es la forma que todas quieren ser miradas.
- I needed to be looked at.
- Necesitaba ser mirada. - Lo sé.
Like it was designed by nature just to be looked at.
Como diseñada por la naturaleza sólo para ser mirada
Agnes hated being looked at.
Agnes odiaba ser mirada.
It did not like being looked at.
A la criatura no le gustaba ser mirada.
Rarely had Camille – who was accustomed to such things – so keenly experienced being “looked down upon”.
Pocas veces Camille había tenido una sensación tan fuerte de ser «mirado desde arriba», y eso que estaba acostumbrado.
I had the feeling that the right side of my face was going to start heating up just from being looked at so hard.
Tengo la impresión de que mi perfil derecho se va a poner a calentar a fuerza de ser mirado.
And as this was the only occasion upon which she was hot afraid of being looked at but positively craved attention, she was ready to use any device to prolong the choosing and fitting.
Y, como aquella era la única ocasión en la que no sentía miedo de ser mirada sino que notablemente buscaba llamar la atención, estaba dispuesta a utilizar cualquier artilugio para prolongar la elección y la prueba.
Like most very large people, he was also more accustomed to being looked at than looking, which is another reason why the skinny boy got away with shadowing him for three successive days and nights.
   Como la mayoría de las personas de envergadura considerable, estaba más acostumbrado a ser mirado que a mirar, y he ahí otra de las razones por las que aquel muchacho flaco le siguió los pasos sin que lo advirtiera durante tres días y tres noches.
Except that even in the most perfect geometry of joy deferred or premeditated cruelty, the demon of pleasure puts in an appearance, and Leo was doing battle with him now in order to stare at the painting and avoid looking at or being looked at by them.
Sólo que aun en la geometría más perfecta del gusto aplazado o de la crueldad meditada, se aparece el demonio del placer y contra él luchaba ahora Leo, a fin de mirar fijamente el cuadro y evitar mirar o ser mirado por ellas—.
Being looked at was an unfamiliar experience for an Auditor in any case – no Auditor bothered to look at another Auditor very often because all Auditors looked the same – and neither were they used to the idea that you could say things with your face.
Ser mirado era una experiencia poco familiar para un Auditor en todo caso —ningún Auditor se molestaba en mirar a otro Auditor muy a menudo porque todos los Auditores se veían iguales—, ni estaban acostumbrados a la idea de que se podían decir cosas con la cara.
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