Перевод для "been sorry" на испанский
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Harmon had been sorry.
Harmon lo había lamentado.
And has been sorry ever since?
y lo ha lamentado desde entonces?
"I'd have been sorry, sir.
—Lo hubiese lamentado mucho, señor.
I have never been sorry.
Nunca he lamentado mi decisión.
I’ve never been sorry at all, really.
En realidad nunca he lamentado nada.
I burned it, and have never been sorry I did.
—La quemé, y nunca lo he lamentado.
I've always been sorry for her.
muchas veces he lamentado cuanto le ocurrió.
I have always been sorry that I have never pleased you;
Siempre he lamentado que yo no te gustara;
Yet I’ve always been sorry I didn’t have bigger ones.”
Pero siempre había lamentado no tenerlos más grandes.
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