Перевод для "been frank" на испанский
Been frank
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Примеры перевода
But, since I have always been frank with the members of the Conference, the Group of 23 and the other candidates, I will venture to be very frank once again with them and tell them, to use the football expression, "You are fumbling the ball", because the way in which the draft decision has been put before us shows great clumsiness which may - I emphasize may - create problems in our capitals.
Pero como siempre he sido franco con los miembros de la Conferencia, el Grupo de los 23 y los otros candidatos, me permitiré una vez más ser muy franco con ellos y decirles que, como se dice en el fútbol: "You are fumbling the ball" [manejan mal el balón], porque la manera en que se nos presenta el proyecto de decisión es verdaderamente de una torpeza, que puede, y digo bien puede, crear problemas en nuestras capitales.
I have not been frank with you.
No he sido franco con usted.
If you'd been frank about it... you could call on as many other girls as you like.
Si hubiese sido franco podría visitar tantas otras chicas como quisiese.
I've always been frank with you.
Siempre he sido franco.
You haven't been frank with me!
¡Tú no has sido franco conmigo!
I've always been frank and aboveboard.
Siempre he sido franca y honesta.
We have always been frank with one another.
Siempre hemos sido francos.
I have not been frank with you.
No he sido franco contigo.
I have not been frank with myself.
No he sido franco conmigo mismo.
I have perceived it and I have been frank.
Me he percatado y he sido franco.
I’ve been frank with you about my position.
Te he sido franco explicándote cuál es mi posición.
Do you feel that I have not been frank with you?
¿Cree acaso que no he sido franco con usted?
Hollick had been frank with his young assistant.
El señor Hollick había sido franco con su joven ayudante.
“You admit, Mr. Leonides, that you have not been frank with us?”
—¿Admite usted, señor Leónides, que no ha sido franco con nosotros?
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