Перевод для "be victorious" на испанский
Примеры перевода
The mighty and the victorious are 'just', and the weak and the defeated are 'unjust'.
El poderoso y el victorioso son 'justos' y el débil y el derrotado son 'injustos'.
We remain convinced that they will emerge victorious.
Seguimos estando convencidos de que saldrán victoriosos.
Humanity Man and right were thus victorious.
La humanidad y la justicia salieron así victoriosas.
Alone we cannot win, but together we will be victorious.
Solos no podemos ganar, pero juntos saldremos victoriosos.
We are determined to be victorious in our battle, which will be a victory for humanity.
Estamos decididos a salir victoriosos de esa batalla y la victoria será para la humanidad.
(a) Preference of victorious Power(s)
a) Preferencias de las Potencias victoriosas
They are said to belong to the victorious faction.
Se dice que pertenecen a la facción victoriosa.
Give regards to the victorious Mullah Shukrullah ...
Saludos al victorioso Mullah Shukrullah ...
But the nations, united against that barbarity, were victorious.
Sin embargo, las naciones, unidas frente a la barbarie, salieron victoriosas.
Montero victorious, completely victorious!
– ¡Montero victorioso, enteramente victorioso!
tired but victorious.
cansada pero victoriosa.
This is a victory parade.
Estamos en un desfile victorioso.
The victorious legion.
La legión victoriosa.
It means ‘victorious.’”
Significa «victorioso».
We've been victorious!"
¡Nos alzamos victoriosos!
I shall fear no evil, for God's promises are rich, wonderful to behold, and so I say to you, Joe Carroll, spawn of Satan, you will not be victorious.
No temeré a ningun mal, porque las promesas de Dios son ricas, hermosas de observar, y entonces te digo Joe Carroll, engendro de Satán, no serás victorioso.
How does it feel to be victorious?
¿Cómo se siente ser victorioso?
It's wonderful, it's glorious, again she will be victorious!
Es maravilloso, glorioso, volverá a ser victoriosa.
I looked up my horoscope, and it said "You're gonna be victorious."
Vi mi horóscopo y decía: "Vas ser victorioso".
We are an army that should be victorious night after night.
Somos un ejército que debe ser victorioso noche tras noche.
At first it seems like the hankie may be victorious until...
Al principio parece que el pañuelo puede ser victoriosa hasta el ...
but then I proved to be victorious!
pero yo demostré ser victorioso!
He'll never know that to be victorious and to be defeated are equal.
Jamás sabrá que ser victorioso y ser derrotado son iguales.
I thought his arm would have to be cut off, and I promised that if the little boy was cured I would never again be victorious.
Pensé que tendrían que cortarle el brazo, y prometí que si el niño se curaba yo jamás volvería a ser victorioso.
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