Перевод для "be sworn" на испанский
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35. The Summit appointed Ms. Emilie Ayaza Mushobekwa from the Democratic Republic of the Congo as SADC Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration and she was sworn in by His Excellency Ariranga G. Pillay, President of the SADC Tribunal.
La Cumbre nombró a la Sra. Emilie Ayaza Mushobekwa, de la República Democrática del Congo, Secretaria Ejecutiva Adjunta de Administración y Finanzas de la SADC, quien procedió a jurar el cargo ante el Excmo. Sr. Ariranga G. Pilay, Presidente del Tribunal de la SADC.
But had Albanian judges been elected, they would have had to be sworn in under the rules of the Republic of Serbia, a circumstance which many Albanians would have considered to be an obstacles.
Por otra parte, si se hubiera elegido a jueces albaneses, habrían tenido que jurar su cargo con arreglo a las normas de la República de Serbia, una circunstancia que muchos albaneses habrían considerado como obstáculo.
A budget for the Tribunal for 1996-1997 has been adopted, and the election of its judges took place during the fifth meeting, held from 24 July to 2 August in New York. The judges are expected to be sworn in on 18 October 1996.
Se aprobó el presupuesto del Tribunal para 1996-1997 y en el quinto período de sesiones, celebrado en Nueva York del 24 de junio al 2 de agosto, se procedió a la elección de los magistrados, que han de jurar el 18 de octubre de 1996.
1.2.1 On the 19th of April 1971, under the Stevens leadership Sierra Leone adopted a Republican Constitution, which was swiftly amended so that he can be sworn in as the first Executive President of the Republic on 21 April 1971.
1.2.1 El 19 de abril de 1971, bajo el liderazgo de Stevens, Sierra Leona aprobó una Constitución Republicana, que se enmendó rápidamente para que pudiera jurar su cargo como primer Presidente Ejecutivo de la República el 21 de abril de 1971.
As at 20 June, two winning candidates had been issued with Interim Orders (which are provisional and can be appealed) that precluded them from being sworn in and participating in the work of the Assembly.
Al 20 de junio se habían expedido a dos candidatos vencedores órdenes provisionales (que son de carácter no permanente y pueden recurrirse) que les impedían jurar su cargo y participar en la labor de la Asamblea.
Subsequently, it was agreed by most Haitian stakeholders, with the exception of Fanmi Lavalas, that municipal, parliamentary and presidential elections will be held before the end of 2005 with the elected President to be sworn in on 7 February 2006.
Más adelante la mayoría de los interesados de Haití, excepción hecha de Fanmi Lavalas, acordaron que las elecciones municipales, parlamentarias y presidenciales se celebrarán antes de finales de 2005, y que el presidente electo jurará el cargo el 7 de febrero de 2006.
I could have sworn it was amusement.
Hubiera podido jurar que era de diversión.
I was also sworn to secrecy.
Me hizo jurar que guardaría el secreto.
“On which Bible do you wish to be sworn?”
–¿Sobre qué Biblia desea jurar?
She could have sworn that he was grinning.
Hubiera podido jurar que estaba sonriendo.
We could have sworn that they were sedimentary;
Habríamos sido capaces de jurar que eran sedimentarias;
And Huey had just been sworn in.
Y Huey acababa de jurar el cargo.
and Vic would have sworn it was laughing.
y Vic hubiera podido jurar que estaba riéndose.
The children were sworn to secrecy.
Hicieron jurar a los niños que mantendrían el secreto.
Then you would be sworn to secrecy.
Pero para ello debería jurar mantener el secreto.
She could have sworn she’d put it there.
Hubiera podido jurar que la había metido dentro.
Commissioners are sworn in collectively by the Transitional Administrator
Juramento colectivo de los comisionados por el Administrador de Transición
They were both sworn in on the same day.
Ambos prestaron juramento el mismo día.
They were sworn in on 1 October.
Prestaron juramento el 1 de octubre.
They were sworn in on 15 and 17 July.
Prestaron juramento los días 15 y 17 de julio.
The new President will be sworn in on 20 May.
El nuevo Presidente prestará juramento el 20 de mayo.
A Sworn administrative inquiry was accordingly conducted.
En consecuencia, se realizó la correspondiente investigación administrativa bajo juramento.
He was sworn in on 8 March 2013.
Prestó juramento el 8 de marzo de 2013.
We would have sworn an oath.
Hicimos un juramento.
“But I’ve sworn an oath…”
– Pero un juramento
Oaths are sworn to it.
Ante ella se prestan los juramentos.
A sworn information.
Una declaración bajo juramento.
I have sworn on oath!
¡He formulado un juramento!
Because I was sworn to Vodalus.
—Porque me juramenté con Vodalus.
But I had sworn an oath.
Pero había pronunciado un juramento.
The Oath of Reunion is sworn.
Se efectúa el Juramento de la Reunión.
The jury were sworn.
Éste prestó juramento.
I was sworn to the Shōgun.
Estaba atado al Shōgun por mi juramento.
You are sworn to the Emperor!
¡Ha prestado juramento al Emperador!
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