Перевод для "awful" на испанский
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As a nation with a centuries-old tradition of cherishing children and sharing in the plight of others, Israel could not turn away from that awful tragedy.
Como nación con una tradición secular de atención a la infancia y al sufrimiento ajeno, Israel no puede cerrar los ojos ante esta horrible tragedia.
The small states stand terrified at this awful scene.
Los pequeños Estados están aterrados ante esta horrible escena.
This eerie, awful danger has at a stroke dramatically altered the foundations of security policy as we know it.
Este peligro sobrecogedor y horrible ha alterado de golpe y drásticamente los pilares de la política de seguridad tal como la conocemos.
Another pressing need is to strengthen the Biological and Toxin Convention (BWC), designed to prohibit the entire awful array of biological weapons.
Otra necesidad acuciante es el fortalecimiento de la Convención sobre las armas biológicas, destinada a prohibir todo el horrible espectro de las armas biológicas.
Now that the conflict has legally been put to rest, the people of Eritrea want to leave this awful experience behind them and move on with life afresh.
Ahora que el conflicto ha llegado a su fin desde el punto de vista jurídico, el pueblo de Eritrea quiere dejar atrás esta horrible experiencia y seguir adelante partiendo de un nuevo inicio.
There can be only one reason for this awful situation, and that is a persistent neglect of women in a world dominated by men.
Esta horrible situación sólo puede tener un motivo: el persistente abandono de las mujeres en un mundo dominado por los hombres.
We share the deep concern of the international community over this awful scourge, and we are manifesting that concern in two major ways.
Compartimos la profunda preocupación de la comunidad internacional por este horrible flagelo y lo demostramos de dos maneras fundamentales.
In other words, there are underlying reasons for the build-up and proliferation of these awful weapons.
En otras palabras, son las razones subyacentes de la acumulación y proliferación de estas horribles armas.
Realizing the tragedies of the awful massacres as a result of the armed strife in the region,
Señalando que la tragedia constituida por las horribles masacres son resultado del conflicto armado de la región,
“Bankruptcy” is an awful word.
La palabra “bancarrota” es un término horrible.
That was awful, awful.
Eso fue horrible, horrible.
Those awful, awful people.
Esa horrible, horrible gente.
- We are awful, awful people.
Somos horribles, personas horribles.
That awful, awful man.
- Ese horrible, horrible hombre.
An awful, awful quiet.
Una horrible, horrible calma.
And awful, awful poems.
Y horribles, horribles poemas.
- Yabba dabba do! He's an awful, awful, awful man.
Es un hombre horrible, horrible, horrible.
You're awful, awful people.
Sois horribles, gente horrible.
It was awful, just awful.
Fue horrible, horrible de verdad.
But—this is awful! Oh, how frightfully awful!
—Pero esto es horrible, tremendamente horrible.
It’s awful, it’s awful, because Robert…”
Es horrible, es horrible, porque Robert…
Never. It was so awful, Sean, so awful.
Nunca. Fue horrible, Sean, horrible.
“How awful for her.” “Yes, it is awful.
—Qué horrible debe de ser para ella. —Sí, es horrible.
This awful carnival and my awful town.
Esa feria horrible y mi horrible pueblo.
Their awful dinner parties. Awful food.
Sus horribles cenas. Horribles alimentos.
It would be awful for them if it got out. Awful.
Para ellos sería horrible si se supiera. Horrible.
Universal Children's Day, celebrated a week ago, reminded us of the awful fate to which these, the weakest members of society, are often exposed.
El Día Universal del Niño celebrado hace una semana nos recordó el terrible destino que espera a los niños, los miembros más débiles de la sociedad.
That awful state of affairs demands appropriate action all around.
Esa terrible situación exige la adopción de medidas adecuadas por parte de todos.
Narcotics, terrorism and urban violence are all gross manifestations of an awful cancer seeking to engulf our planet.
Los narcóticos, el terrorismo y la violencia urbana son manifestaciones graves de un cáncer terrible que parece apoderarse del planeta.
Innocent people were murdered, with children, women, the elderly and the sick being subject to awful tortures and mutilation.
Civiles inocentes fueron asesinados; niños, mujeres, ancianos y enfermos fueron objeto de terribles torturas y mutilaciones.
Sometimes it seems as if none of history's awful lessons have been learned.
A veces parecería que ninguna de las terribles lecciones de la historia hubiera sido aprendida.
The situation of children in armed conflict deserves urgent attention, and we need to take action to put an end to the awful impact of armed conflict on children.
La situación de los niños en los conflictos armados merece una atención urgente, y debemos adoptar medidas para poner fin a las terribles repercusiones que tienen esos conflictos sobre los niños.
Let me say that if we had given up, at that time, the consequences would have been far worse for us all than what we experienced during those awful days of January 1999.
Pero si en aquel momento nos hubiéramos rendido, las consecuencias para todos nosotros habrían sido mucho peores que las que sufrimos durante aquellos terribles días de enero de 1999.
We are trying in particular to do something about the awful prison conditions.
En particular, estamos tratando de hacer algo respecto de las terribles condiciones que se observan en las prisiones.
If the fighting continues, the winter will prove to be an awful disaster for the suffering people.
Si la lucha continúa, el invierno demostrará ser un terrible desastre para ese pueblo que sufre.
This was an awful, awful, awful, awful, awful idea!
¡Esto fue una idea terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible!
- It's so awful. - What's so awful?
Es tan terrible -¿que es tan terrible?
This was an awful, awful mistake, Sarah.
Eso fue un terrible, terrible error, Sarah.
This is awful, George Awful
Esto es terrible. Terrible.
It was just awful. Just awful.
Fue terrible. muy terrible, sabes?
I mean, his father was awful, awful.
Sabes, quiero decir, su padre era terrible, terrible.
Awful? What is awful about her?
– ¿Terrible? ¿Qué hay en ella de terrible?
Yes, it was awful. Just awful.
Sí, fue terrible. Realmente terrible.
It’s awful, just awful.
Es terrible, sencillamente terrible.
Natasha's position is awful, awful!
La situación de Natasha es terrible, ¡terrible!
Awful, awful,’ he says. Leila nods.
—¡Terrible, eso es terrible! Leila asintió.
    "It was awful."
—Fue algo terrible.
In March, I had the honour to preside over a delegation from the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and I saw the awful effects of war on vulnerable human beings in that fraternal country.
En marzo de este año tuve el honor de presidir una delegación del Consejo Ejecutivo del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas a favor de la Infancia a la República Democrática del Congo, y constatar los tremendos efectos de la guerra en los seres humanos vulnerables de este hermano país.
-Does that sound awful?
-¿Eso sonó tremendo?
- That's an awful lot.
- ¡Una cifra tremenda!
-Now, that's awful!
-¡¿Ahora? ! , ¡eso es tremendo!
I feel awful.
Me siento tremendo.
It is just awful.
Es algo tremendo
That's awful.
Eso es tremendo.
Gary, you're awful
Gary, eres tremendo.
- Oh, that's awful.
- Oh, eso es tremendo.
Oh, Kay, you're awful.
Kay, eres tremenda.
I think it is awful.
Para mí es tremendo.
There was an awed silence;
Hubo un tremendo silencio;
The mess was awful.
El estropicio fue tremendo.
The smoke was awful.
El humo era tremendo.
There was an awful thud.
Hubo un tremendo choque.
“This is such an awful mistake.”
Todo esto es un error tremendo.
Was it an awful letter?
—¿Era tremenda la carta?
“It’s the awful fear.
Es el miedo tremendo.
The children are simply awful.
Los niños son tremendos.
We, like many other States, are convinced that foreign occupation is one of the most awful forms of terrorism.
Nosotros, al igual que otros muchos Estados, estamos convencidos de que la ocupación extranjera es una de las formas más atroces de terrorismo.
Often it is not armies but civilians who are the victims of this awful weapon.
A menudo las víctimas de esa arma atroz no son los ejércitos, sino los civiles.
This is awful.
Esto es atroz.
Oh, isn't that awful?
Oh, ¿no es atroz?
She's something awful.
Es algo "atroz".
He was awful.
El fue atroz.
- The competition was awful.
- La competencia era atroz.
Too awful to look at.
Un espectáculo atroz.
Your awful stage
Tu atroz escenario
‘Pretty awful, huh?’
Atroz, ¿no te parece?
That would be unspeakably awful,
—Eso sería abominablemente atroz.
I knew it was awful.
Sabía que era atroz.
Awful if nothing happens to her!
—¡Sería atroz que no le sucediera nada!
That’s an awful tit-for-tat.”
Es una venganza atroz.
War is an awful thing.
La guerra es una cosa atroz.
The house was awful in its silence.
El silencio de la casa era atroz.
“That awful relentless sound.”
Aquel sonido atroz, trepanador.
She had not sought these awful truths.
Ella no se había interesado por esas verdades atroces.
You're that awful lady from TV.
Eres esa detestable señora de la tele.
I mean, it's just you're being quite awful.
Estás algo detestable.
You're all being awful, horrible men!
Basta. Son todos unos detestables hombres.
Oh, c'mon, Arch, goddamn, you make it awful tough.
Vamos, Arch, maldito. Lo haces detestable.
And he's making me sound awful.
Y me hace sonar detestable.
- I said you were being awful.
Dije que estabas siendo detestable.
He's seriously awful.
Es realmente detestable.
- What an awful woman. - She's evil.
- Qué mujer detestable.
-Oh, this is awful.
-Esto es detestable.
Someone has to run against that awful Betsy Lebeau.
Alguien debe competir con esa detestable Betsy Lebeau.
“I’m awful. I’m an awful worthless bitch.”
—Soy detestable. Soy una bruja infame y detestable.
They think you’re awful.
La consideran una persona detestable.
Her mother was still awful.
Su madre seguía siendo detestable.
She thought everything in France was awful.
Todo lo de Francia le parecía detestable.
Do you think you’re awful?”
¿Usted qué opina? ¿Se considera detestable?
I said, “they seem pretty awful.
—No es para menos —contesté—. Parecen bastante detestables.
the German actors are awful, but you will go ...
Los actores alemanes son detestables, pero vendrá usted… ¿Sí? ¡Sí!
Angela, isn't she absolutely awful ?
¿Te das cuenta, Ángela? ¡Qué chica más detestable!
Montmorency … he’s being awful about you, isn’t he?”
A propósito del señor Montmorency…, se ha portado de una forma detestable con usted, ¿no le parece?
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