Перевод для "attend funeral" на испанский
Attend funeral
Примеры перевода
Reports were also received of people being prevented from attending funerals and other religious rituals and gatherings during the period under review.
También se han recibido denuncias de gente a la que se impidió asistir a funerales y otros rituales religiosos y reuniones durante el período que se examina.
On several occasions he had attended funerals of friends and colleagues.
A veces para asistir al funeral de amigos y compañeros.
Neighbours, he reckoned, can attend funerals uninvited.
Opinaba que los vecinos podían asistir a funerales sin ser invitados.
The politicians have to rush around attending funerals and burials, taking care not to miss any—intense grief, or is it pride, requires them as ornaments, because they give no consolation nor can they, it’s all to do with show, fuss, vanity and rank. The rank of the self-important, super-sensitive living.
Los políticos tienen que multiplicarse para asistir a funerales y entierros y no hacer de menos a nadie, el agudo dolor, o es el soberbio, los reclama como ornamento, porque consuelo no dan ni pueden darlo, es todo aparatosidad, aspaviento, vanidad y rango.
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