Перевод для "assumption is that" на испанский
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The assumption is that the humanitarian situation in Vakaga is comparable to that in the rest of the country.
Se supone que la situación humanitaria en Vakaga es comparable a la del resto del país.
It is posited on at least three basic assumptions.
Supone, como poco, tres elementos de base.
The assumption is that a single notice will be sufficient for all purposes.
Se supone que una sola notificación bastará a todos los efectos.
He also stated that there is an assumption on the part of the prosecutor that the police are well intentioned.
También declaró que el fiscal supone que la policía actúa con buenas intenciones.
France is still working on the assumption that we will be able to proceed on the basis of consensus.
Francia supone que podemos proceder por consenso.
a The assumption is that EuroCost is not involved in future phases; obviously, this is a worst case assumption.
a Se supone que EuroCost no interviene en fases futuras; evidentemente se supone la peor situación.
The assumption is that it is a man's duty to take care of his family.
Se supone que el hombre tiene el deber de ocuparse de su familia.
2. There is the assumption that there are missiles which could be used in presumed acts of war.
Que se supone la existencia de misiles susceptibles de utilizarse en presuntas acciones bélicas.
The assumption is that the crime was unusual, it was bizarre, grotesque.
Se supone que el crimen fue poco habitual, extraño, grotesco.
And the assumption is that public sympathy would assure she'd win the special election.
Y se supone que la compasión del pueblo aseguraría que ganara las elecciones especiales.
The assumption is that they're marrying into the landed gentry.
Se supone que se casan con la aristocracia terrateniente.
Assumption is that he caught whoever he was chasing, but he was a tough guy, I can't believe he was taken like this.
Se supone que alcanzó al que sea que estuviera persiguiendo, pero era un tipo rudo, no puedo creer que lo hayan derribado así.
I said it was an assumption.
—He dicho que eso es lo que se supone.
So what is your assumption?
—Siendo así, ¿qué es lo que supones?
On the assumption that you'll run away again."
Porque supone que volverás a escaparte.
“Safe assumption,” Fitch said with a shrug.
Supone bien -concedió Fitch encogiéndose de hombros-.
But the assumption is they were making an anti-American statement.
Pero se supone que pretendían montar un número antinorteamericano.
“The assumption was he was killed to stop him from building the gun.”
Se supone que para impedir que construyera el arma.
It's only an assumption that some nameless addicts came in and killed her.
Sólo se supone que entraron toxicómanos anónimos y la asesinaron.
it is grandiose because of its assumption that redemptive powers are within one’s grasp;
es presuntuoso porque supone que el poder de la redención está al alcance de nuestra mano;
said Poirot. “Your assumption was quite right. Mr. Ratchett was murdered.
—¿Supone usted —insistió Poirot— que mister Ratchett fue asesinado?
So the assumption is that the animals are coming from some location deep in the jungle.
Se supone, por lo tanto, que los animales salen de algún recóndito lugar en la selva.
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