Фразы в похожем контексте
Примеры перевода
She's fabulous and I have to asseverate, she deserves accolades.
-Sí y debo aseverar que merece acoladas.
I should not for instance have been able to asseverate to my friend that I was certain—which was so much to the good—that I at least had not betrayed myself.
No habría podido, por ejemplo, aseverar ante mi amiga que estaba segura —y no era poco decir— de que yo al menos no me había delatado.
He would pound on our door or stand on the landing, wearing only pajama bottoms, and asseverate, over and over, using a vile epithet, that his wife was having relations with black men.
Le daba por golpear nuestra puerta o quedarse plantado en el rellano, vestido solo con los pantalones del pijama, y aseverar una y otra vez, usando un epíteto infame, que su mujer mantenía relaciones con negros.
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