Перевод для "as severe" на испанский
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If his withdrawal was as severe as Kanayo's...
Si su síndrome de abstinencia fue tan severo como el de Kanayo...
Well, if her breakdown was as severe as she says it was, then, yes, maybe.
Si su crisis nerviosa fue tan severa... como dice que fue, entonces, sí, tal vez.
Discipline is no longer as severe in colleges, and the education methods are very different.
La disciplina en los colegios ya no es tan severa, ...y los métodos de educación han cambiado mucho.
Um medial collateral, collateral, and hyper collateral although the hyper wasn't quite as severe.
El medio colateral, colateral, y el hiper colateral... Aunque lo del hiper no fue tan severo.
Your wounds weren't as sever As the other one, so... All right.
Sus heridas no eran tan severas como las del otro, así que...
It's not as severe as a blackout, 'cause I remember bits and pieces.
No es tan severo como un apagón, porque recuerdo pedacitos y piezas.
EL damage was as severe That one witnesses find even.
EL daño fue tan severo que aun se buscan testigos.
As severe as five years of indentured servitude?
¿Tan severo como cinco años de fiel servidumbre?
Your punishment won't be as severe as Charlie Brewster's.
Su castigo no será tan severo...
For epilepsy as severe as Chloe's, the hemispherectomy is our only option.
Para una epilepsia tan severa como la de Chole, la hemisferectomía es la única opción.
The winters are not as severe in Japan,
Los inviernos no son tan severos en Japón.
His face was as severe as Miss Cranham's.
Tenía una expresión tan severa como la de la señorita Granham.
His injuries were more presented in the anterior and weren't as severe.
Las heridas de él estaban más presentes en la parte anterior y no eran tan graves.
Now, in a case as severe as yours, we have very few options.
En un caso tan grave como el tuyo, hay muy pocas opciones.
Placenta percreta is very difficult to diagnose, and in cases as severe as Emily's, it's usually... Insurmountable.
La placenta percreta es muy difícil de diagnosticar, y en casos tan graves como el de Emily, normalmente... insuperable.
Yes. But his wasn't nearly as severe as that taken by LaCombe.
Pero no fue tan grave como la recibida por LaCombe.
If the famine is indeed as severe as you say, then the government will surely take action!
Si el hambre es de hecho tan grave como dice entonces el gobierno seguramente tomará acción.
I've never seen as severe a case of shock as this. lt's medically impossible.
Nunca había visto un caso de conmoción tan grave. Es médicamente imposible.
There is indeed a famine, but it's not as severe as you say.
Cierto, hay una hambruna, pero no tan grave como usted dice.
And she broke his fall, which is why his injuries weren't as severe.
Y ella amortiguó su caída, Por lo que sus lesiones no eran tan graves.
Had the same laceration marks and throat burning, but the wounds weren't anywhere near as severe as Gloria Carlyle's.
Tenía las mismas marcas de laceraciones y la quemadura en la garganta, pero las heridas no eran ni de lejos tan graves como las de Gloria Carlyle.
the damage was not as severe as she had thought.
el daño no era tan grave como había pensado.
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