Перевод для "accused of trying" на испанский
Примеры перевода
I'm accused of trying to help a friend.
Estoy acusado de intentar ayudar a un amigo.
Hongwu even executed hundreds of people accused of trying to turn tribute missions into commercial ventures.
Hongwu incluso ejecutó a cientos de personas acusadas de intentar convertir las misiones tributarias en aventuras comerciales.
"Meto stands accused of trying to kill his imperator, with a poison he obtained from this trunk," I said. "Oh, no!" said Mopsus.
—Metón ha sido acusado de intentar matar a su imperator con un veneno que obtuvo de mi baúl —dije. —¡Ay, no! —exclamó Mopso.
At least he’s not talking about me, but defending a beleaguered former business associate, Miami real-estate developer Bill Philipson, accused of trying to bribe several local officials.
Por lo menos no habla de mí, sino que defiende a un atribulado ex socio, el promotor inmobiliario de Miami Bill Philipson, que está acusado de intentar sobornar a varios funcionarios locales.
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