Перевод для "absenting themselves" на испанский
Absenting themselves
Примеры перевода
Flachat, Hawkshaw, and Dr. Johnston decided to absent themselves from the proceedings.
Flachat, Hawkshaw y el doctor Johnston decidieron ausentarse del acto.
“How is it that people feel they can absent themselves so quickly from a murder investigation?”
—¿Cómo es que la gente cree que puede ausentarse así como así de la investigación de un asesinato?
For the established actors a decision had to be made: would they absent themselves from London for the best part of a winter season?
Los actores ya consolidados tenían que tomar una delicada decisión: ¿estaban dispuestos a ausentarse de Londres durante la mayor parte de una temporada de invierno?
A few shrinking ventures into the Forum to test the atmosphere with a view to presiding at their tribunals had convinced the pair that to absent themselves was more sensible.
Tras algunas comparecencias en el Foro, tímidas incursiones de sondeo con vistas a presidir sus respectivos tribunales, ambos habían llegado a la conclusión de que lo más sensato era ausentarse.
Couched in prose that had Cicero drooling, it announced that, while they wished to absent themselves from Rome to govern provinces, they were not about to be palmed off with quaestorian duties like buying in grain.
Expresado en una prosa que hizo la boca agua a Cicerón, anunciaba que, si bien deseaban ausentarse de Roma para gobernar las provincias, no estaban dispuestos a ejercer tareas propias de cuestores como la compra de grano.
In between they stoked themselves with cookies, occasionally finding it necessary to absent themselves with indigestion, and they were often so stupefied with food, they began to look like victims of some dropsical illness, the chief symptom of which was prolonged slumber interrupted by attacks of furious belching.
Entretanto, se atiborraban de pasteles, de vez en cuando estimaban necesario ausentarse a causa de una indigestión y con frecuencia aparecían tan atontados por su atracón de comida que comenzaban a parecer víctimas de alguna dolencia hidrópica cuyo síntoma principal era una prolongada modorra interrumpida por ataques de violentos eructos.
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