Übersetzung für "unido a su" auf englisch
Unido a su
  • attached to his
  • joined his
attached to his
Snowe tiene 20 propiedades en Monrovia, evaluadas en 655.000 dólares de los Estados Unidos y tres vehículos con un valor de 204.000 dólares de los Estados Unidos, según anexos a su formulario de divulgación de la situación financiera presentado el 11 de agosto de 2011 (véase el anexo 27).
136. Snowe owns 20 real estate holdings in Monrovia valued at $655,000 and three vehicles valued at $204,000, according to attachments to his candidate financial disclosure form filed on 11 August 2011 (see annex 27).
Las condiciones impuestas por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos para abonar los pagos a las Naciones Unidas constituyen una mera cuestión interna y no tienen por qué afectar a otros Estados a menos que deseen verse afectados.
The conditions attached by his Government to payments to the United Nations were a purely internal matter for the United States and need not affect other States unless they wished to be affected.
Al principio pensamos que estaba unido a su máquina, una especie de mitad hombre, mitad cortacésped.
At first we thought he was attached to his machine, sort of a half-man, half-mower.
- El malware, unido a su página online de deberes.
- Malware, attached to his online homework site.
Aparentemente tiene el patinete quirúrgicamente unido a su cuerpo.
Apparently he's got the skateboard surgically attached to his body.
- Uh, encuentra ambrosia de olivo,_BAR_ Y ese en Tucker unido a su cadera
Uh, find Oliver Ambrose, and that's Tucker attached to his hip.
Obviamente está muy unido a su mujer, al igual que su madre, una mujer posesiva con carácter muy fuerte.
He was obviously very attached to his wife who, like his mother... is a possessive and strong-willed person.
Era muy unido a su mamá.
He was always dreadfully attached to his mother.
Bueno, es un condon unido a su pene unido a un tubo, y se llena la bolsa.
Well, it's a condom attached to his dick attached to a tube, and it fills up that bag.
Pensé que estaba quirúrgicamente unido a su oído.
I thought it was surgically attached to his ear.
¿Tu creciente reputación no casa con la mugre que va unida a su nombre?
Your rising reputation no match for the grime attached to his name?
Dígame, madame, ¿su marido estaba muy unido a su madre?
Tell me, madame, your husband, he was very attached to his mother?
Albie estaba muy unido a su madre.
Albie was very attached to his mother, you know.
—Aun así está unido a su mezquita.
‘He is still attached to his mosque,’ said Sinan.
Su cabeza se quedó donde estaba, unida a su cuello.
Damen’s head stayed where it was, attached to his neck.
Su mano izquierda estaba libre y todavía unida a su brazo.
His left hand was free, and still attached to his arm.
Es entonces cuando advierte que una mano que no es suya está unida a su brazo.
That’s when he notices a hand that isn’t his, attached to his arm.
—Vi su cabeza —contesta Keller—. No estaba unida a su cuerpo.
“I saw his head,” Keller says. “It wasn’t attached to his body.
Aunque se sentía muy unido a su fe, Bahram no era un hombre fervientemente religioso.
Although Bahram was deeply attached to his faith, he was not fervently religious;
joined his
El segundo soldado se había unido a su camarada.
The second soldier had just joined his comrade.
Kolea se había unido a su escuadra de asalto en el agujero.
Kolea joined his assault squad at the puncture.
Shen se había unido a su mujer y todos los niños Pin se agrupaban alrededor.
Shen had joined his wife, and all the Pin babes crowded round.
los gobernantes de la isla se habían sacudido el yugo persa y se habían unido a su causa.
the island rulers had thrown off the Persian yoke and joined his cause.
María y yo nos habíamos unido a su pandilla hacía un par de horas en el club de Dave.
Maria and I had joined his crowd a couple of hours ago at Dave’s place.
Quintato recordó que él no había sido muy distinto a ese hombre cuando se había unido a su primera legión.
Quintatus recalled that he had been no different when he had joined his first legion.
El otro mercenario se había unido a su capitán, pero el oso había abandonado el cuerpo roto de Hugo.
The other mercenary had joined his captain, but the bear had abandoned Hugo’s broken body.
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