Übersetzung für "tiene debe" auf englisch
Tiene debe
has must
Con esa cara de cura que tiene debe ser un cura de verdad.
with the face of the Father who has must be a father of truth.
La niñez debe percibirse como una etapa de la vida que debe vivirse y disfrutarse en toda su riqueza.
Childhood has to be perceived as a stage of life which has to be experienced and enjoyed in all its richness.
Esa situación debe cambiar.
This has to change.
Queda claro entonces que el acuerdo debe constar por escrito o que debe quedar constancia escrita del acuerdo;
It is thus clear that the agreement has to be made in writing or there has to be written record of the agreement.
Debe proteger a su esposa y ésta debe obedecer a su marido.
He has a duty to protect his wife, and she has a duty to obey her husband.
El planteamiento debe ser desarrollado a escala nacional y debe ajustarse a las necesidades específicas de un país.
The approach has to be developed at the country level and it has to be tailored to the specific needs of a country.
Ello se debe a que cuenta con:
This is because Australia has:
Debe hacerse lo siguiente:
The following has to be done:
Esta situación debe cambiar.
That has to change.
Debe aceptarse que la migración es una de las soluciones, y debe considerarse en el contexto de las políticas generales del mercado laboral.
It has to be accepted that migration is indeed one of the solutions and has to be viewed in the context of overall labour-market policies.
Debe quedarse quieta, debe controlarse.
She has to be quiet. She has to get herself under control.
¿A qué se debe esto?
Why has this happened?
Eso debe de significar algo.
There has to be significance in that.
El déficit comercial debe disminuir y debe hacerlo pronto.
The trade deficit has to come down, and it has to come down soon.
Debe luchar por eso.
He has to fight for this.
¡Debe de haber algo más!
There has to be more to it than that!
Pero debe intentarlo.
But he has to risk it.
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