Übersetzung für "suba a la cabeza" auf englisch
Suba a la cabeza
  • rise to the head
  • go to his head
rise to the head
así evitaré que la bebida se me suba a la cabeza y me dé sueño.
that will prevent this drink from rising to my head and sending me to sleep.
go to his head
- Sé que ya está entrenado, más o menos, pero no quiero que la libertad se le suba a la cabeza.
Well, I know he's house-broken, more or less, but I don't want freedom to go to his head.
Está subiendo tantos peldaños que quizá se le suba a la cabeza.
He's getting up in the world so fast, it might go to his head.
Pero Genovese deja que el poder se le suba a la cabeza.
But Genovese lets the power go to his head.
No voy a decir que lo haría... pero podría dejar que el éxito se le suba a la cabeza, no es así?
I won't say he would... But he might let success go to his head, mightn't he?
¡Realmente espero que no se le suba a la cabeza!
Really hope it doesn't go to his head!
Espero que no se le suba a la cabeza.
I hope all this attention doesn't go to his head.
Marcus ha dejado que todo ese asunto de la publicidad se le suba a la cabeza.
Marcus has let all Ac publicity go to his head.
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