Übersetzung für "sorprender que es" auf englisch
Sorprender que es
  • surprise what is
  • is surprising that
is surprising that
Por eso no le sorprenderá que algunos de nosotros no nos sintamos satisfechos.
Therefore you will not be surprised to hear that some of us are not satisfied.
No es de sorprender que surjan desacuerdos de ese tipo.
That there should be such disagreements is not surprising.
A nadie debe sorprender nuestro copatrocinio.
Our co-sponsorship will come as a surprise to no one.
No debe pues sorprender que hayan suscitado controversias.
It should therefore come as no surprise that they have been accompanied by controversy.
Podemos suponer que nos van a sorprender acontecimientos imprevistos.
We can assume that we will be surprised by unanticipated events.
Ello no debe sorprender a nadie.
This should not surprise anyone.
Causa desconcierto, sin sorprender del todo, la inmovilidad de la Conferencia de Desarme.
The immobility of the Conference on Disarmament is disconcerting but not entirely surprising.
Creo que se sorprenderá mucho cuando le comunique la noticia.
I know he will be surprised when I pass on the news to him.
No es de sorprender que el Grupo y el Equipo concuerden en que:
It is hardly surprising that the Panel and Team agree that:
Y no era de sorprender.
This was not surprising.
No era de sorprender.
Not really surprising.
Algo que te sorprenderá.
Something that will surprise you.
Los sorprenderás a todos.
You'll surprise them all.'
—¿Por qué me habría de sorprender?
Why should I be surprised?
Más que nada se sorprenderá.
“Above all, she’ll be surprised.”
–¿Por qué no me sorprenderá?
“Why am I not surprised?”
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