Übersetzung für "son inherentemente" auf englisch
Son inherentemente
Ninguna de esas opciones es inherentemente preferible.
There is no inherent hierarchy among these options.
Ningún grupo social es inherentemente vulnerable.
1. No social group is inherently vulnerable.
a) La fabricación de reactores "inherentemente seguros";
(a) Development of "inherently safe" reactors;
El enfoque inherentemente positivo de la Convención
The inherently positive approach of the Convention
Se trata de un concepto inherentemente controvertido.
The concept is inherently controversial.
La mundialización no es inherentemente divisiva.
Globalization is not inherently divisive.
El desarrollo es inherentemente un esfuerzo multidimensional.
Development is inherently a multidimensional undertaking.
No obstante, las normas son inherentemente equitativas.
Nevertheless, norms are inherently equitable.
Sus soluciones tienen un carácter inherentemente práctico.
Their solutions are inherently practical in nature.
La rendición de cuentas mutua es inherentemente política.
Mutual accountability is inherently political.
Los hombres Scott son inherentemente mejores que la mayoría de la gente.
Scott men are inherently better than most people.
Instalaciones educativas separadas son inherentemente desiguales.
Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
Quizá las criaturas humanas son inherentemente malas.
Maybe we human creatures are inherently evil.
Bueno, solo que, sabes, las fiestas sorpresas son inherentemente hostiles.
Well, it's just, you know, surprise parties are inherently hostile.
Porque los restaurantes se son inherentemente estresante
Because restaurants themselves are inherently stressful
Los tomates son inherentemente tan ácida, que la adición de acidez, es decir, es simplemente inaudito.
Tomatoes are inherently so acidic, that adding acidity, I mean, it's just unheard of.
Todos los embriones vertebrados son inherentemente hembras.
All vertebrate embryos are inherently female, anyway.
Los lanzamientos son inherentemente peligrosos.
Launches are inherently dangerous.
Y era inherentemente imprevisible.
And it was inherently unpredictable.
Es algo inherentemente divino.
It is something inherently divine.
Pero también eran inherentemente graciosos.
But they were also inherently funny.
«El futuro» es inherentemente plural.
'Future' is inherently plural.
Es un mensaje inherentemente político.
This was an inherently political message.
Era un espacio inherentemente religioso;
It was inherently a religious space;
Para usted no es inherentemente atractiva.
It is not inherently appealing to you.
Había algo inherentemente satisfactorio en ello.
There was something inherently satisfying about it.
Inherentemente, somos buenas personas.
Inherently, we’re good people.
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