Übersetzung für "se fatigaban" auf englisch
De pronto, las ínfulas de Kyle la fatigaban enormemente.
She was suddenly horribly weary of Kyle’s posturing.
Los enormes peces que había en el mar siempre se fatigaban y se dejaban pescar.
The giant fish in the seas always wearied and let themselves be played.
Éste era el día más desastroso de toda su vida; una serie de encuentros que la hacían añicos, la atormentaban, confundían, inquietaban y fatigaban.
This had been the most disastrous day of her entire life, a shattering series of encounters which tormented, confused, worried and wearied her.
Por corta que fuera la Osterzeile, las casitas unifamiliares con sus emparrados vacíos junto a las fachadas burdamente revocadas y el plantado regular de los árboles a lo largo de las aceras, me desanimaban y fatigaban, pese a que nuestra Westerzeile olía y respiraba igual y marcaba las estaciones del año con los mismos liliputienses jardines frontales.
Osterzeile was a short street: and yet the one-family houses with their empty trellises against house fronts scrubbed till they were sore, the uniform trees along the sidewalks – the lindens had lost their poles within the last year but still required props – discouraged and wearied me, although our Westerzeile was identical, or perhaps it was because our Westerzeile had the same smell and celebrated the seasons with the same Lilliputian garden plots.
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