Übersetzung für "rostro barbado" auf englisch
Rostro barbado
Su rostro barbado está al acecho y sus ojos, entornados.
His bearded face is wary, his eyes narrow.
La sonrisa en el rostro barbado tenía la paz de Buda.
The smile on the bearded face had an almost Buddha-like peacefulness.
El rostro barbado que descansaba en paz dentro del féretro no era el de Atreo.
The bearded face resting peacefully on the bier was not that of Atreus.
Los efectos de las situaciones desagradables que Vercoe a menudo tenía que afrontar se manifestaban en su rostro barbado.
Something of the unpleasantness Vercoe often had to meet showed in his bearded face.
Una capa de mugre cubría el bronce desde el rostro barbado hasta el gato en los pies de la misma.
The bronze surface was caked from grime from the bearded face to the cat at the feet of the figure.
Junto a él colgaban marcos de madera oscura con retratos en blanco y negro de rostros barbados.
Alongside were dark wood-framed portraits of bearded faces in black and white.
y se dio la vuelta para encontrarse con que el que era el jefe ya estaba en pie, y su rostro barbado hervía de rabia.
and Conan spun to find the leader on his feet, his narrow, bearded face suffused with rage.
Penrod recorría la muralla disparando su nuevo revólver Webley a quemarropa en los rostros barbados.
Penrod strode along the wall, firing his new Webley pistol point blank into their bearded faces.
Finalmente se rindió, hizo un cuenco con las manos y presionó el agua helada contra su rostro barbado.
Finally he gave up, cupping his hands and pressing the icy stream water to his bearded face.
Un haz de linterna muy pequeño vagó por la pared que estaba detrás del colchón de Richard y, finalmente, se posó sobre su rostro barbado.
A very small flashlight beam wandered around the wall behind his mattress and eventually landed on his bearded face.
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