Übersetzung für "resolver sobre la" auf englisch
Resolver sobre la
  • resolve on the
  • decide on the
resolve on the
Hay que resolver esa dicotomía.
That dichotomy needs to be resolved.
La crisis no se resolverá por sí sola.
The crisis will not resolve itself.
No se pueden resolver en el mandato.
They cannot be resolved in the mandate.
No hay forma de resolver esto.
There is no way of resolving this.
Es preciso resolver esta anomalía.
The anomaly needed to be resolved.
Es necesario resolver esos problemas.
These problems need to be resolved.
Casos por resolver
Cases to be resolved
Es preciso resolver este problema.
That issue must be resolved.
El mecanismo se creó con el fin de resolver las controversias, pero no ha habido controversia que resolver.
That mechanism was set up with the aim of resolving a dispute but there has not been a dispute to resolve.
Total por resolver
Total not resolved $9 901
Tenía que resolver el asunto.
But this had to be resolved.
El Día del Ajuste había tenido como meta resolver el hecho de que nada se podía resolver.
Adjustment Day occurred to resolve the fact that nothing could be resolved.
Y se tiene que resolver a satisfacción.
And it has to be resolved satisfactorily.
Tenéis que resolver esta situación.
You have to resolve this.
nada se podía resolver.
nothing could be resolved.
Tenemos que resolver esto, Azareen.
We have to resolve this, Azareen.
Tengo que resolver esto yo mismo.
I have to resolve this for myself.
—Tenemos que resolver esto con rapidez.
We have to resolve this quickly.
—Hay que resolver esto rápidamente.
We’ve got to resolve this quickly.
decide on the
La Conferencia resolverá sobre la conveniencia y las fechas del examen de ese tema.
The Conference shall decide whether and when it should be considered.
Se trataba de una cuestión sobre la que tendría que resolver la Comisión.
It was an issue for the Commission to decide.
Se resolverá sin demora sobre esa solicitud.
Such an application shall be decided without any delay.
Aunque también en este caso la Mesa resolverá.
There again, however, it would be for the Committee's officers to decide.
175. Son atribuciones del Tribunal Constitucional conocer y resolver:
175. The Constitutional Court is empowered to take cognizance of and decide:
Resolver sobre la inmunidad de los jueces;
to decide on the immunity of judges
170. Son atribuciones del Tribunal Constitucional conocer y resolver:
170. The Constitutional Court is empowered to take cognizance of and decide:
He de resolver algunos esta mañana.
I must decide some of them today.
Pero ésa es una cuestión que tendrá que resolver el Ministerio.
But that is a matter for the Ministry to decide.
—¿Qué debemos, pues, resolver?
- What do we have to decide?
¿Cómo resolver el caso?
How would he decide this particular case?
¡Había tantas cosas que desenredar, que resolver…!
So many things to unravel—to decide.
No podía resolver el dilema por sí solo.
Vidad could not decide this issue by himself.
Hay ciertas cosas que el marido debe resolver.
There are certain things that the husband is there to decide.
El tribunal resolverá si la entrada fue ilegal.
The court will decide if the entry was illegal.
El problema que nosotros debemos resolver es qué daros.
The problem we have to decide is what to give you.
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