Übersetzung für "que identificaron" auf englisch
Se identificaron los siguientes elementos:
The following elements were identified:
Se identificaron las cuestiones siguientes:
3. The following issues were identified:
Se identificaron las siguientes cuestiones principales:
The main issues identified are:
28. También se identificaron algunos problemas.
28. Challenges were also identified.
En el documento se identificaron las cuestiones siguientes:
The document identified the following issues:
Se identificaron las siguientes enseñanzas:
The following lessons were identified:
En la reunión se identificaron las siguientes materias.
The meeting identified the following issues:
Pero jamás te identificaron a ti.
But they never identified you.
Le identificaron como su esposo.
He’s been identified as your husband.
Los perdimos y no nos identificaron.
We lost them, and they didn’t identify us.’
¿Los identificaron? ¿Fueron a juicio?
Were they ever identified? Were they brought to trial?
Sachs y él se identificaron.
He identified himself. Sachs did too.
Dance y O’Neil se identificaron.
Dance and O’Neil identified themselves.
Nunca identificaron al asaltante.
His assailant was never identified.
Stoner y Walker se identificaron.
Stoner and Walker identified themselves.
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