Übersetzung für "que es igual a" auf englisch
Que es igual a
Yo le prometí 24 horas de Jackie ... que es igual a siete días de tiempo a una persona fea.
I promised you 24 hours of Jackie time... which is equal to seven days of an ugly person's time.
Entonces, como ven, este ángulo es igual a este, que es igual a este. ¿Entendieron?
So this angle is equal to this, which is equal to this one.
Mira, es fácil ganar un dólar que es igual a Rs. 55.
Look, it's very easy to earn a dollar which is equal to Rs. 55.
el tiempo es la gran puta), porque su futuro era igual a su presente, que era igual a su pasado.
Time is the bitch), because its future was equal to its present which was equal to its past.
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