Übersetzung für "prometerse" auf englisch
Hall no había oído hablar nunca de ultrafulgor, y siguió las indicaciones, sin saber qué podía prometerse.
Hall had never heard of ultraflash, and he followed directions, not knowing what to expect.
El mismo Decoud comprendió que no podía prometerse una intimidad más completa hasta que, terminada la revolución, se la llevara consigo a Europa, lejos de las interminables guerras civiles, cuya insensatez le parecía más insoportable que su ignominia.
Even Decoud himself seemed to feel that this was as much as he could expect of having her to himself till—till the revolution was over and he could carry her off to Europe, away from the endlessness of civil strife, whose folly seemed even harder to bear than its  ignominy.
por lo visto admitió que se había equivocado al no marcharse de Yorkshire, de lo cual tu tío no lo había acusado, aunque es totalmente cierto, por supuesto. Ni siquiera tuvo que señalarle a Damerel, como creía que tendría que hacer (y habría sido una tarea en grado sumo desagradable, y te aseguro que no sé cómo)… Pero eso no importa, porque el caballero reconoció que sería infame aprovecharse de ti, porque tú no sabías nada de la vida, y nunca habías salido de Yorkshire, ni habías conocido a otros hombres (bueno, aparte del señor Yardley), así que era casi inevitable que te enamoraras de él, y ¿cómo podías entender lo que significaría prometerse con un hombre con su reputación?
Your uncle says that nothing could have done him greater credit than the open way he spoke, even saying that he had done very ill in not going away from Yorkshire, which your uncle had not accused him of, though of course it is perfectly true. Your uncle was not obliged even to point out to him, which he had expected would have been the case, and a very disagreeable task it would have been, and I’m sure I don’t know how—but that doesn’t signify, because Lord Damerel said that he knew well that it would be infamous to take advantage of you, when you knew nothing about the world, and had never been beyond Yorkshire, or met any other men—well, only Mr. Yardley!—so that you were almost bound to have fallen in love with him, and how could you understand what it would mean to be married to a man of his reputation?
Puede prometerse una zambullida pulgada a pulgada. Hacer trampas es fácil.
He can look forward to plunging her inch by inch. Cheating is easy.
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