—Voy a prender la luz.
“I’ll turn on a light.
—¿Quieres prender la luz?
Would you turn on the light?
Ninguna de nosotros se molestó en prender la luz.
Neither of us bothered to turn on a light.
Algo debió de prender en ti, para que te hicieras cocinero.
Something turned you on to it, to being a chef.
El arranque giraba lentamente, pero sin prender. —¿Qué?
That starter was turning it over slowly, but it wouldn’t catch. “What?”
¿Puedo prender la luz, señorita Bertram?
May I turn on the light, Miss Bertram?
Pensó que debería prender el ventilador pero no lo hizo;
She thought she ought to turn on the fan but didn’t;
—Me suena conocido pero nunca fui de prender mucho el televisor.
'It sounds kind of familiar, but I was never much for turning on television for anything at all."
No podía ni convocar un poco de energía para levantarse y prender la luz de su recámara.
He could not even summon the energy to get up and turn on his bedroom light.
Estoy preocupada que se vaya a prender fuego o algo.
I'm worried it's going to catch fire or something.
El aceite se prenderá.
The oil will catch fire
¿Cómo se puede prender Una nube con un alfiler?
How do you catch a cloud And pin it down?
Está libre. - La prenderé de nuevo.
- I'll catch it again.
Se prenderá fuego.
It will catch fire
No tan cerca o se van a prender fuego.
Not too close or it'll catch fire
Puedes prender tu fosforo en Marci X
You'll catch your match In Marci X
Esta huelga va a prender el fuego.
This strike's about to catch fire.
La policía no nos prenderá;
The police will never catch us;
Sus pies estaban empezando a prender.
His feet were catching fire.
—Reventará con una explosión y prenderá fuego a la casa.
'It'll go with a bang. The house will catch.
Lo más importante es prender a la persona que perpetró el ataque.
The main thing is to catch the man who did it.
Voi due pensate a nascondervi e a prendere la nave, si.
You two will hide and catch the ship, yes.
La hojarasca empezaba a prender y ahora conocía la naturaleza de aquel fuego.
The brushwood was catching light, and now she knew the nature of the fire.
Los guardias han venido a prender a un marinero - ¿Cuál marinero?
- The police have come to take the sailor. - What sailor '?
¡Bonito oficio, prender la mecha y que los demás se soplen la calentura!
Nice job, light the fuse and let the others take the heat!
Qué, prender a nuestro Emperador?
What, take our Emperor?
Debemos prender a toda la banda.
We must take the entire gang.
Cualquier detalle puede prender la mecha.
It would take little to light the fuse.
Voy a llevarmelo, así que no intenten nada estupido... como prender la alarma.
I'm just taking him so nobody does anything stupid... like set off the alarm.
Comunque prenderò questa roba.
I will take this, however.
Para pasar el tiempo. —Esto no debería prender —dijo Gaotona—.
To pass the time.” “This shouldn’t be taking,”
Lo voglio prendere io, è un mio diritto.
I will take him, as is my right.
Y eso que no haría falta mucho para prender fuego a los secos arbustos.
It would not take much to set the bushes alight.
Esa era la palabra, «prender», que usó la peluquera de Filadelfia Oeste.
That was the word—“take”—that the hairdresser in West Philadelphia used.
212. Mohamed Bakri el-Sheik fue detenido en 1990 y acusado de prender fuego a un club de vídeo.
212. Mohamed Bakri el-Sheik was arrested in 1990 and accused of setting fire to a video club.
No he venido a verlo, creedme... sino a hacerlo prender.
I've come to have him arrested.
¿Pero quién nos prenderá, padre?
Who would arrest us?
Patrón manda a prender y manda a matar.
Boss orders the arrests, boss orders the killing.
- Prender a un niño que roba pan... - El pobrecillo tenía hambre.
He arrests a thief of bread.
No voy a matar. Voy a prender.
I'm not going to kill him, I'm going to arrest him.
Bueno, mi prima se quedó embarazada, se casó, y luego la arrestaron por prender fuego a su instituto.
Ah. Well, my cousin got pregnant, then married, then arrested for burning down her high school.
Como Consejero tuve que mandar a prender mucha gente mala.
As a magistrate, I had many people arrested... evil people.
Espera. ¿EI guardia es para prender o para soltar?
Wait. What's a policeman for, to arrest you or to let you go?
Combatirá la revuelta en Natal y prenderá a los militantes activos.
It will crush the uprising in Natal, and arrest... the more active militants across the country.
Un destacamento para prender a los padres de familia.
A detachment to arrest parents with .
Debe usted prender a un asesino.
Your business is to arrest a murderer.
—¿Y si os hiciera prender?
- What if I had you arrested? "Do it,"
—¡Ahora me prenderá! —se estremeció—.
'Now you are going to arrest me!' he shrilled.
—Exactamente —asintió Bencolin preocupadamente—, debo prender a un asesino.
My business is - to arrest a murderer.
Metzar se resistió a dejarse prender y ha quedado malherido.
Metzar resisted arrest, and got badly hurt.
Volverá, seguramente, con la esperanza de haceros prender. -¡Ah!
It will certainly come back with glue hope to get arrested. "Ah!
—gritó Yáñez. Dímelo y los haré prender inmediatamente.
yanez yelled. "Tell me and I'll have them arrested immediately."
e) Prender a los autores de los delitos;
(e) Apprehending offenders;
Tomé por sentado que nunca se iba a prender al asesino de Barbara.
“I took it for granted that Barbara’s murderer would never be apprehended.
Podemos prender fuego a un edificio de tres plantas y contar con una cubierta lo bastante grande para capturar cada molécula del incendio.
We can torch a three-story building up there and have a hood large enough to capture every molecule of the burn-off.
Al buscar dónde prender la luz, encontré que la cama estaba en una esquina contra la pared.
Looking for a light switch, I became aware that the high bed was in a corner, against the wall.
Dejame prender las luces.
Let me get the lights.
Prenderé la luz.
I'll get the light.
Debemos prender el bote.
We gotta get this boat started.
Prenderé el fuego.
I'll get the fire going.
- No. Prenderé el hogar.
I'll just get a fire going.
- No va a prender.
- You'll never get it started.
Voy a prender esto.
Let me get this started.
Oh, prenderé las luces.
Oh, I'll get the lights.
—¿Para hacerme prender por los bandidos de Sindhia?
- To get caught by the Sindhia bandits?
—Debe prender a ese individuo, Edward.
“You’ve got to get this guy, Edward.”
—Cuida de no dejarte prender. —¿Con mis piernas?
- Be careful not to get caught. - With my legs!
-Ve a prender a ese hombre, y tráelo aquí.
Go get that man and bring him here.
Quando dobbiamo andare a prendere la troia americana?
“When should we get the American whore?”
Lo único que tenemos que hacer es acercarnos a ella y prender una chispa encima.
All we have to do is get near the stuff and strike a spark to it.
Te la prenderé del labio.
I’ll pin it to your damn lip.”
–Está bien. Me prenderé el reloj a la bata. –Estupendo -asintió Johnny-. ¿Y el doctor Brown?
“All right. I'll pin my watch to my tunic.” “Good,” Johnny said. “What about Dr. Brown?
Se me había soltado un mechón de pelo, y, sonriendo con la dorada horquilla entre los labios, me lo volví a prender.
A strand of my hair had fallen loose, and smiling its gold pin between my lips, I looped it back.
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