Es nuestra patria.
This is our homeland.
El terrorismo no tiene ni religión ni patria.
Terrorism has no religion or homeland.
en su patria.
in their homeland.
Respeto a la patria y sus héroes.
Respect to homeland and its heroes.
Deseo que mi patria, Palestina, sea una patria, en lugar de una prisión, que sea independiente y soberana, como las patrias de todos los pueblos de este mundo.
I want my homeland, Palestine, to be a homeland, rather than a prison -- independent and sovereign, like homelands of all other peoples of this world.
Mi amada patria
My beloved homeland
La patria es para el pueblo.
A homeland is for the people.
Patria (VATAN)
Homeland (VATAN)
La patria de mis antepasados
The homeland of my ancestors
Se trata de nuestra patria común.
This is both our and your homeland.
Una patria dada, y una patria conquistada.
A homeland given, and a homeland conquered.
Anteriormente en Patria ...
Previously on Homeland...
- La patria socialista.
The socialist homeland.
Eres mi patria.
You're my homeland.
¡Patria o muerte!
Homeland or death!
"Patria, la Patria lejana"
homeland, the homeland far away
Dios y Patria
God and homeland
- ¡Mira, mi patria!
- Look, my homeland!
Para nuestra patria...
For our homeland...
Por la patria.
To the homeland.
Patria, nuestra Patria, de paz y justicia.
Homeland, our Homeland, of peace and plenty fair.
Patria, nuestra Patria, una nación se alza aquí.
Homeland, our Homeland, a nation rises here.
Patria, nuestra Patria, juramos dar la vida por ti.
Homeland, our Homeland, we pledge our lives to thee.
¡La patria, la libertad!
The homeland, freedom!
Una casa no es una patria.
A house is not a homeland.
Este acusado, que era ciudadano de la patria pero cuya lealtad no era para con la patria, se ha vendido, ha vendido sus ojos y sus oídos, a los usurpadores de su patria.
“This defendant, who was a citizen of the homeland but whose loyalty was not to the homeland, sold himself—his eyes and ears—to the usurpers of his homeland.”
La fe es nuestra patria.
Faith is our homeland.
Ésta ya no es nuestra patria;
This is no longer our homeland!
La patria no existe.
Homelands don’t exist.
Partido para la Patria
"For the Fatherland" Party
Hijos de nuestra noble patria,
Worthy sons of the fatherland,
Movimiento por la Patria
Movement for the Fatherland
Se les enseñó en el Centro de Formación de la Patria.
They were educated at the Fatherland Training Centre.
Historia patria, Bishkek, 2009.
Istoriya otechestva (History of the Fatherland), Bishkek, 2009.
Para mis compatriotas, no se trataba simplemente de otra guerra mundial; era la Gran Guerra Patria.
For my compatriots, it was not just another world war; it was the Great Fatherland War.
“¿Y quién nos va a devolver la patria que pudo haber sido?”
“Who will return to us the fatherland that could have been?”
Nuestra patria, que ansía paz y tranquilidad, se encuentra a la espera de cambios.
Our fatherland, which longs for peace and tranquillity, is living in anticipation of change.
Exhorto a todos nuestros compatriotas en el extranjero a que regresen a la patria.
I appeal to each and every one of my fellow-countrymen abroad to return to the fatherland.
Honor y Patria
Honour and fatherland.
Libertad y patria.
Freedom and fatherland.
"La Patria es algo santo, la Patria es la Patria."
Fatherland is something holy, Fatherland is a Fatherland,
Dios, Patria, Libertad.
God, Fatherland, Liberty.
A la patria.
Tο the fatherland.
"Pátria amada, Brasil"
Beloved fatherland, Brazil
América es una patria, pero una patria mortal.
America is a real fatherland, indeed, but a death-dealing fatherland.
La Flota es nuestra patria, nuestra única patria —miró a su vaso—.
The Fleet is our fatherland, and our only fatherland.
¡Todo por la patria!
Long live the fatherland!
¡Traidores a nuestra patria!
Traitors to the Fatherland!
América era una patria.
America was a real fatherland.
Yo sirvo a mi patria
I’m serving the Fatherland—”
La patria estaba maltrecha.
The Fatherland was in a bad condition.
En nuestra patria es noche.
It is night in our fatherland.
Pero ¿tenía patria un judío?
But did a Jew have a fatherland?
La cultura y la lengua maoríes no tienen otra patria que Nueva Zelandia.
Maori culture and language has no home other than New Zealand.
Transferencias totales en hogares para niños sin patria potestad
Total transfers at homes for children without parental custody
Sin embargo, 52 de ellos han permanecido en su patria a la espera de ser llamados.
However, 52 of these 300 observers have been on stand-by in their home country.
Han preferido la retórica en las Naciones Unidas a la responsabilidad en su patria.
They have preferred rhetoric at the United Nations to responsibility at home.
Tanto Palestina, patria de los palestinos, como Israel, patria del pueblo judío, deben garantizar que todos los grupos étnicos y religiosos gocen de plenos derechos y protección bajo la ley.
Both Palestine, as the home of the Palestinian people, and Israel, as the home of the Jewish people, must guarantee that all ethnic and religious groups have full rights and protection under law.
El Afganistán es la patria de una nación musulmana.
Afghanistan is home to a Muslim nation.
g) La familia emigrante y sus vínculos con la Patria.
(g) Emigrant families and their links to the home country;
El Estado de Israel, como patria de los judíos, tiene la obligación especial de recordar.
The State of Israel, as the Jewish National Home, has a special obligation to remember.
Los que vengan a ayudarnos regresarán a su patria con vida.
Those who come to assist us will return home alive.
Trabajo, familia y patria:
Flag, home, and country:
"Una patria, un hogar".
"... a native land, a home."
- Ya llegamos. Nuestra patria.
There's home.
Regresamos a nuestra patria.
We returned home.
Allí está mi patria.
There is my home country.
¡Ésta es nuestra patria!
This is our home.
Es mi patria, Sturmbannführer.
This is my home, Herr Sturmbannfuehrer.
No tengo patria.
I have no home.
¡Ahora tengo patria!
Now I have a home!
Reparaciones en la patria.
Refitting in our home port!
—Yo soy apatrida. —La patria siempre es la patria.
‘I have no country, Hektor.’ ‘Home is always home.’
Lucharía por mi patria, sobre todo por el hecho de ser mi patria.
I would fight for my home, most of all, because it was my home!
Estaba otra vez en mi patria, pues allí donde me esperaba mi amada, estaba mi patria.
I was home, for where my love waited for me was home.
Yo, ya no tengo patria.
Me, I don’t have a home anymore.
¡Han quemado mi patria!
They have burned my home!
—¿Qué es eso de la Defensa de la Patria?
            “What is dis ‘Home Defense’?”
La patria estaba mucho más al Sur;
Home lay far south;
¿O volveremos a nuestra patria?
Or shall we return to our home?
¿La patria estaba aún lejos?
Was home still remote?
Restricciones de los contactos entre los ciudadanos y su patria
Control of citizens' contacts with their motherland
- Moldova: nuestra patria;
"Moldova our motherland"
Antiguos combatientes y veteranos de la patria
Former combatants and motherland veterans
Nuestra nación es una, como también lo es nuestra patria.
Our nation is one, and so is our motherland.
Por el contrario, la exhorta a que regrese a la patria.
Instead, it urges them to return to the motherland.
Amen a su patria y a su pueblo
To love their motherland and people
"Rusia con Justicia: Patria/Jubilados/Vida"
"Just Russia: Motherland/Pensioners/Life"
a) hubieren participado en la defensa de la patria;
(a) Persons who participated in the defence of the Motherland;
Saludos, la patria.
Salutations, O Motherland
Viva nuestra patria.
Hail our motherland!
¡Viva la patria!
Long Live motherland!
Bendice la patria.
Bless the motherland.
- ¡No la Patria!
- Not the Motherland!
- La patria sabe.
The Motherland Knows,
Su patria, nuestra patria, es la República.
His motherland... our motherland... is the Republic.
- La patria escucha.
The Motherland hears,
No, no la Madre Patria.
No, not the Motherland.
La madre patria llama.
The motherland calls.
—¿Regresa a la patria?
“Are you returning to the motherland?”
¡Violadores de nuestra madre patria!
Rapers of our motherland!
Uno es impaciente con la madre patria, porque la madre patria le parece vieja, revenida.
You are impatient with your motherland because your motherland seems old and stale to you.
La madre patria de Mijaíl Gallatinov.
Mikhail Gallatinov’s motherland.
Yo he matado por la Madre Patria.
I have killed for the Motherland.
Era la canción de la patria y del mundo.
It was the song of the motherland and of the whole world.
¡Despertad, hijos de la Madre Patria!
Awake, ye sons of the Motherland!
La traición de las madres patria.
The mother countries deceived us.
Hacia los invasores de la madre patria.
Toward invaders of the mother country.
No hay nada mejor que apelar a la Madre Patria.
There’s nothing like sticking one to the mother country.
¿Boston va a levantarse en armas contra la madre patria?
Boston is to take up arms against the mother country?
Otra vez la madre patria, tan dulce, tan comprensiva.
Again the Mother Country so soft, so understanding.
También Washington tenía motivos de queja con respecto a la madre patria.
Washington, too, had complaints against the mother country, but of a different kind.
—Puede que tenga que ver con ese desprecio que sienten por la Madre Patria.
‘Perhaps it’s something to do with their dislike of the so-called Mother Country,’ she said.
—Porque ya ha perdido todas las colonias, separadas poco a poco de la madre patria.
Because by now it has lost all its colonies, gradually detached from the mother country.
También se les ve voluntad de contacto con la madre patria, interés por la globalización y por compartir actividades.
There is also a degree of outreach to the mother country, an interest in globalization, in shared activities.
—Mi patria en los hermosos Cárpatos.
My native land in the beautiful Carpathians.
Mi patria, mi gozo y mi alegría,
My native land, my joy, delight,
Me echó de mi patrie… patria… Pero mi exilio no le basta.
He drove me out of my patrie - my native land. But my exile is not enough to satisfy him.
«No espero salud para la patria», dijo.
“I do not expect health for our native land,” he said.
—Lo único que pido —dije— es vivir en paz en mi patria.
“I ask for nothing,” I said, “only my native land and a place in which to live my life.
Se decía que era hijo de un temible guerrero, muerto lejos de su patria.
It was said that he was the son of a fearful warrior who had died far from his native land.
Pero, en fin, aquel buque significaba noticias del continente y era quizá una parte de la patria que acudía a buscarlos.
But at any rate this ship brought news from the world, perhaps even from their native land.
En efecto, si el brick estaba todavía en disposición de navegar, las probabilidades de volver a la patria aumentaban en favor de los colonos.
In fact, if the brig was still fit to navigate, the colonists' chances of returning to their native land were singularly increased.
Si no regreso, debéis izar las velas y zarpar, e intentar encontrar el camino de vuelta a nuestra patria.
If I do not then return, you must hoist sail, and endeavor to find your way to our native land.
Nació en nuestro suelo patrio como una verdadera hija de nuestra cultura.
It sprang from our native soil, a true child of our culture.
No obstante, al no poder volver a su patria, esas personas no tienen a dónde ir.
However, as long as these people can not return to their native hearths, there will be no where else for them to go.
En tu patria natal.
On your native soil.
a las costas de su patria.
To his own native shore.
¿Todas las canciones de su patria son así, madame?
‘Are all your native songs like this, madam?’
Las causas del rechazo de la solicitud de reunificación familiar de un niño pueden ser que el progenitor residente en Dinamarca no tenga la patria potestad o, en casos en que los padres comparten la patria potestad, que el progenitor que vive en el país de origen del niño no dé su consentimiento.
The reasons for rejecting an application for family reunification of a child may be that the parent resident in Denmark is not the holder of custody, or, in cases where the parents have joint custody, that no consent has been granted by the parent living in the child's native country.
Pero algunos de sus peces son bastante grandes. —Es impresionante, esta patria suya —dijo Belknap en tono gélido—.
But some of our fish are sizable indeed.” “Impressive,” Belknap said frostily. “This native country of yours.
Sirvió los manjares que había cocinado él mismo: eran los platos tradicionales de su patria y de su juventud.
He began to serve food that he had prepared himself. They were the dishes of his native country and his youth.
La abyecta neutralidad de su patria le producía vergüenza y se identificó plenamente con el Reich que resurgía.
His native country’s abject neutralism made him ashamed, and he had identified himself with a resurgent Reich.
—He regresado a la madre patria —dijo fingiendo un cierto aire de grandeza—. He conseguido un nuevo destino en Nueva Orleans.
“I’m back in my native country,” she said with mock grandeur. “Got a new post in New Orleans.”
Otra seca inclinación y se fue hacia la salida, donde oyó al coro cantar «esta querida patria mía».
Another curt bow, and this time Belknap really did walk toward the exit, where he heard the mass voices belt out This native country of mine!
Se niega a dejar que su patria se hunda y a preocuparse solo de saber cómo va a pagar sus impuestos.
He refuses to let his native country fall apart and just sit worrying about how he is going to pay his taxes.
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