Übersetzung für "para cita" auf englisch
Les ruego sinceramente que no falten a esta cita importante.
I appeal to them not to miss that important appointment.
Se ofrecen frecuentemente visitas guiadas con cita previa.
Frequently scheduled and given by appointment.
En Manhattan se ofrecen visitas guiadas previa cita.
Manhattan tours are frequently scheduled and given by appointment.
Atienden previa concertación de una cita, pero no hay nada que restrinja el acceso a ellos.
They work on an appointment basis, but there is no mechanism to restrain access.
Esta es una cita con la historia que no podemos ni debemos eludir.
This is an appointment with history that we cannot and must not avoid.
Y las tiene puestas para cita justo después de eso.
And he's got them all listed for appointments right after that.
—Por lo visto, tenía usted una cita. —Bueno; no era exactamente una cita.
"You had an appointment, did you?" "Well, not exactly an appointment."
- Tengo una cita.
I have an appointment.
—Pero yo tengo una cita.
       'But I have an appointment.'
—Tenemos una cita.
“We have an appointment.”
Teníamos una cita y…
We had an appointment, and…
An Appointment with Knowledge
¡La cita ha sido cancelada!
The appointment is canceled!
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