Übersetzung für "no verificable" auf englisch
No verificable
not verifiable
c) Indicadores verificables de logros
(c) Verifiable achievement indicators
Efectivamente verificable
Effectively verifiable
123. Los indicadores verificables serán:
The verifiable indicators will be:
Indicadores verificables
Verifiable indicators
e) La eliminación verificable y adecuada.
(e) verifiable and proper disposal.
iii) Indicadores verificables de los logros
(iii) Verifiable achievement indicators
Falta de indicadores objetivamente verificables
Lack of objectively verifiable indicators
Indicadores verificables objetivamente
Objectively verifiable indicators
Nada de ello es verificable.
None of it verifiable.
Hasta aquí lo verificable;
All this is verifiable;
Es científicamente verificable.
It is scientifically verifiable.
En lo verificable es falsa;
The verifiable part is false;
Tengo un alias verificable.
I have a verified alias.
—Tiene un alias verificable.
He has a verified alias.
Tycho le miró tranquilamente. —Pero verificable.
Tycho regarded him steadily. “But verifiable.”
La delegación consideraba preocupante que hubiera tantas transferencias de fondos no verificables supuestamente efectuadas por el PNUD o en nombre del PNUD.
The delegation expressed concern at the broad range of unverifiable funds allegedly transferred by or on behalf of UNDP.
Dado que los méritos atribuidos a los sumideros no son verificables ni eficaces, no deben incluirse en las políticas para hacer frente al cambio climático.
68. Sinks credits are unverifiable and ineffective and should not be included in policies addressing the climate change problem.
Las garantías de seguridad unilateral pierden credibilidad puesto que no han sido negociadas multilateralmente y no son internacionalmente verificables.
Unilateral security assurances lack credibility as they have not been multilaterally negotiated and are internationally unverifiable.
14. En Freetown y otros lugares que atacaron, los rebeldes secuestraron a un número considerable -pero no verificable- de personas.
14. The rebels had abducted a large but unverifiable number of people in Freetown and other places they attacked.
Según estimaciones no verificables, el número de hijos por los que se pagan derechos de matrícula varía entre el 10 y el 15%.
Unverifiable estimates placed the number of fee-paying children at between 10 and 15 per cent.
Ellas no han sido negociadas multilateralmente y tampoco son verificables.
They have not been multilaterally negotiated and they are unverifiable.
No consideraríamos satisfactorio que el proceso de reducciones basadas en tratados se sustituyera por medidas unilaterales no verificables.
We would not consider it satisfactory if the process of treaty—based reductions were to be substituted by unilateral, unverifiable actions.
En Freetown y otros lugares que atacaron, los rebeldes secuestraron a un número considerable - pero no verificable - de personas.
26. The rebels abducted a large but unverifiable number of people in Freetown and other places they attacked.
George no disponía de medios para saber si esto era cierto o si sólo pretendía ofrecer un consuelo no verificable.
Whether this was true, or intended as unverifiable consolation, George had no means of knowing.
Transcurridos cuatro siglos, los hechos y el mobiliario son tan poco verificables como un filósofo sabría que lo son.
Four centuries on, both facts and furnishings were as unverifiable as any philosopher would know them to be.
—Si llegas a una conclusión, aunque no sea verificable, ¿te importará informarme de ello? —Estaré encantado.
"If you come to any conclusions, even unverifiable ones, will you communicate them to me?" "I should be delighted.
Porque el cristianismo es asunto de verdad pública, no de experiencia privada, subjetiva, no verificable, secreta, interna, «religiosa».
Because Christianity is about public truth, not about private, subjective, unverifiable, secret, inner, “religious”
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