Übersetzung für "no estar sujeto a" auf englisch
No estar sujeto a
not be subject to
Los involucrados no son sujetos pasivos y objetos, sino sujetos de derecho.
Those involved are not passive subjects and objects but subjects of law.
En ese estudio, las organizaciones aparecen como sujeto activo y como sujeto pasivo.
In that study, organizations were treated as both active subjects and passive subjects.
Pero los jóvenes no son simplemente un objeto, sino un sujeto: el sujeto del futuro.
But young people are not merely an object; they are subjects — the subjects of the future.
En lo relativo a la responsabilidad internacional del Estado, el Estado aparece como sujeto activo y sujeto pasivo de las relaciones de responsabilidad, es decir, a veces como sujeto responsable y otras como sujeto lesionado.
33. With regard to the international responsibility of the State, the latter was both an active subject and a passive subject of responsibility relationships; in other words it was sometimes the responsible subject and sometimes the injured subject.
El corrompido (sujeto pasivo) es tan responsable como el corruptor (sujeto activo).
The corrupted (the passive subject) is just as responsible as the corrupter (the active subject).
Puestos sujetos
Subject to
y tipo de puestos: sujetos y no sujetos de distribución geográfica equitativa
type of posts: subject and not subject to equitable geographical distribution
Todas sus ansias se encaminan a querer ser libre y no estar sujeto a su creador.
All his desires are directed at being free, and not being subject to his creator.
Dice que facilita transacciones discretas que pueden no estar sujetas a impuestos.
The guy says that he facilitates discreet transactions that may not be subject to taxes.
Dentro todo estaba dedicado a un solo sujeto: el sujeto.
Everything within was devoted to a single subject—the subject.
Preguntaron al sujeto si había terminado. El sujeto (excitado): – ¡No!
Subject was asked if that was all. Subject, excited: ‘No!
Un cuerpo es sujeto, no algo predicado de un sujeto, y es, así, materia.
For a body is a subject, not something predicated to a subject, and is thus matter.
El sujeto de obediencia no es un objeto de placer, sino un sujeto del deber.
The obedience-subject is not a subject of desire but rather of duty.
Hay un sujeto y hay un objeto.
There is a subject, and there is an object.
En especial para el sujeto.
Especially for the subject.
—Está sujeta a interpretaciones.
Subject to interpretation.
—El sujeto ha salido.
Subject is moving.
—¿El sujeto está preparado?
“Is the subject prepped?”
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